Harley Quinn - Power

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Made by: MovieLee



"I want to address somethings I didn't before." Azure spoke, everyone immediately paid attention very much curious although Freya had a feeling on what it could be.

"It's about Harley's supernatural heritage." Recognition flashed in the Mikaelsons eyes as they remembered the conversation they had during the edit, their curiosity enhanced.

"When Genevieve got rid of your memories of Harley it wasn't the only thing she got rid of." Azure explained and the Mikaelsons were in shock as she spoke again.

"She got rid of Harley's tribrid nature."


The room fell silent as they processed what they had been told until they erupted in anger. The screams of defiance and anger so loud that you couldn't make out a word that was being said and all Azure could see was the Mikaelsons showing their supernatural features as the witches in the room had magic leaking from them and causing havoc left, right and centre.

The Mikaelsons had never felt such rage in their lives and whilst Elijah, Rebekah, Freya, Davina and Marcel were angry, Kol, Klaus, Hayley and Hope were LIVID. They all had very close relationships with their supernatural side.

Kol's rage was undeniable, he was feeling the anguish, heartbreak and genuine outrage he had felt when his warlock side of him had been ripped from him, he had been the only one of his siblings except Freya or Finn to truly use his magic and he could never describe the soul wrenching pain that came when he was forced to part with that piece of himself. Kol felt the most uncontrollable rage he had felt in centuries and he promised nothing but pain and misery to anybody who dare get in his way because he would help his niece even if it was the last thing he did, he would get her supernatural sides back.

Hope and Hayley just like Kol were very connected to their supernatural sides, more specifically there were-wolf side, they loved the freedom it brought them and even though the change could be excruciating, it was always worth the euphoric feeling they got in the end as they ran through the woods. There anger reached levels they had never felt before as they cried for their sister/daughter, as they mourned Harley's loss, the piece of her she never got to experience the way they did.

Klaus's anger was drowning the room as he shouted and threatened. Klaus had dealt with the loss of his wolf, the sleepless nights he got from the gnawing feeling of the whole in his spirit. The painful reminders he got every full moon as his wolf begged to be let out and even though Harley had no idea what she was missing, his heart ached at the thought of how she would feel when she found out. After all he had been in the same boat in some ways, he had never known his true heritage and when he found out he could practically feel the tear in his soul that he had never known was there, he remembers the frenzied anger and betrayal he felt when he found everything out.

Guilt had never been more prominent to Klaus Mikaelson than it was in this moment for if he had just been more vigilant, less sure of himself, less cocky and egotistical then maybe he would have had both his daughters, Hayley would have been able to see them both grow up. Klaus Mikaelson wanted to weep, to let his sorrows flow out of him but he couldn't he had to be strong, he could never be weak again not after what it cost him the last time.

Azure had not expected the Mikaelsons to have such a volatile reaction to the news however she had no time for this, she had other things to do, other people to help. Azure had a funny feeling that she was going to be silencing these people a lot as she flicked her wrist again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2023 ⏰

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