Main Chapter 2 - The Meeting

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( image from cookie run kingdom wiki )


                                                                               ┗ •◦இ•◦ ┛

DESTINATION: Dark Cacao Kingdom.
The hindered sun rises in the east. The snow was falling softly as smoke from houses rise into the sunrise. Many warriors, young and old, seem to train at this hour. As the clanging of swords and bows firing can be heard in the distance, the once slumbering prince/princess of the Dark Cacao Kingdom awakens, still dazed about the day to come. Of course, the servants of the Dark Cacao Castle get ready the prince/princess for the day, doing their hair and everything. As they exit their room, all the prince/princess could hear is the silent footsteps and echoes of the slight wind in the castle. 


TIME: 7:30 AM

As the Dark Cacao servants finish up the table, Reader Cookie heads to the dining room, still empty but not a speck of dust is anywhere to be seen. They look around, their father isn't anywhere to be seen as always. Reader Cookie turned on their heel, exiting the dining room to find their father. Reader Cookie walked in the seemingly identical hallways, almost tripping on their robes from the haste they were making. Finally, they reached the throne room, seeing their father tending to his "royal duties." Upon entering, Reader Cookie slowly approached their father, arms placed in front of them, and slowing down. Finally, their father looked up, the bottom of his eyes dark.

"Reader Cookie, good morning." Dark Cacao Cookie rumbled, looking at Reader Cookie dead in the eye. "Good morning father." Reader Cookie responded. "What brings you to the throne room at such early hour?" Reader Cookie asked out of curiosity, their father never exactly came to the throne room at such a late time. "Well. We will have a visitor." Dark Cacao Cookie returned as Reader Cookies eyes widened, the Dark Cacao Castle never had a visitor in such a long time. Who was it? This visitor must be important perhaps. "A visitor? Father, if I may ask, who is this visitor? They must be an important person if they will be meeting with you." Reader Cookie questioned, still confused about the sudden visitor. "That is where you are wrong Reader Cookie, they will be meeting with you. This is crucial, since you both must have a strong bond as allies." "I.. I see father. Anyway, breakfast is ready." "Very well." Dark Cacao and Reader Cookie then both left the throne room.


TIME: 9:30 AM

"Good morning prince/princess Reader Cookie. Did you enjoy your breakfast?" The Dark Cacao servant asked, as they bowed down to Reader Cookie. "I enjoyed the meal, thank you for asking." "Im glad to hear that my prince/princess. I heard we are having a visitor so I shall get you ready. Please, follow me." 


(loosing motivation at top speeds so im speeding through this but trying to put as many words into this as possible.)



Reader Cookie entered the throne room, Dark Cacao Cookie having to leave due to other reasons while Reader Cookie, awaited the visitor. After a moment of waiting, a servant of the Dark Cacao approaches the two, bowing first. "Your majesty, the visitor." The servant says as they stand to the side as they slide open the 2 doors leading to the throne room. In the hallway, a seemingly short Dark Cacao warrior entered the throne room, looking a bit nervous. The unknown visitor walked toward the throne where Prince/Princess Reader Cookie was there. (didn't wanna add Dark Cacao in here lol)

"Your majesty." The unknown visitor said, bowing. "State your name and rank please." Reader Cookie asked the visitor, as the unknown visitor resumed his normal position. "Captain Crunchy Chip Cookie your majesty. I'm a tamer that guards the great wall." Crunchy Chip Cookie responded to Reader Cookie. "I see, I look forward to working with you." Reader Cookie responded as they kept a calm composure. "Also, no need for honorifics Captain, I assure you. Just call me Reader Cookie." "As you wish, your majes- I mean, Reader Cookie." "Thank you. I can't help but notice, your much more different than the other captains I've met with. I can't seem to put my finger on what makes you different though." Reader Cookie pointed out. The captain was caught off-guard, slightly turning red at the young prince's/princess' comment. "Thank you.." Crunchy Chip Cookie thanked as he sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. "Thank you for your time captain. You are dismissed." Reader Cookie announced, Crunchy Chip bowing once more and turning to leave.


Daily CRK Quote: "Back off!"-Onion Cookie 

(read authors comment :D )


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