Main Chapter 4 - Embarrassment & Tea.

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                                                            " Crap how do you speak English. "

                                                                                             | - |

Reader Cookie ran back to the palace, with the newspaper still in hand. Time had passed and apparently, it was approaching the time Reader Cookie had to be in the throne room. They approached the gates, seeing the first watcher, Carmel Arrow Cookie.
"Carmel Arrow!" Reader Cookie yelled, waving their hand frantically, rapidly approaching the first watcher. "Your majesty." Carmel Arrow responded as she turned on her heel, the dual blades slightly intimidating Reader Cookie. "Do you perhaps have a watch or something on you?" Reader Cookie asked, praying that they weren't late. "Yes your majesty. It is currently... 3PM." Oh, thank the wolves, Reader Cookie wasn't late. "Thank you!" Reader Cookie said as they thanked Carmel Arrow Cookie and ran inside. Reader Cookie ascended the many stairs they had to climb, just to get to the preparation room, still pushing on and getting snow inside the palace. Finally, they reached the preparation room, breathing heavily as they awaited the royal stylist.

10 minutes went by. Still no stylist. Reader Cookie sighed and looked around the room. They'd actually never paired any attention to what was in the room. Behind them was a mannequin, holding the outfit they were supposed to wear. Reader Cookie jumped out of their seat as they inspected the outfit up close. Reader Cookie muttered criticism on the outfit, it being a bit too lavish, it was like they were going to a wedding of some sorts. That one creaky floor board could be heard from outside the room. Reader Cookie jumped into their seat in a panic, trying to look normal and not like a psycho. The door opened, revealing a short, but very stylish cookie. Them having fair skin, with wavy black hair and silver glasses. "Reader Cookie was it?" They spoke as they took a close look at Reader Cookie. All Reader Cookie could do was nod. "Well then. Nice to meet you your majesty! I'm Olive Cookie, your royal stylist." Olive Cookie said as they took out their left hand, the one that was originally behind them. Reader Cookie took their hand and shook it firmly. "Well then, let's get started shall we?"

Time skip brought to you by exiled Affogato Cookie 📦

It was time. Reader Cookie ascended down the staircase into the throne room. As the servants finished up making it spotless, Reader Cookie observed the throne room, looking oddly more relaxed. Reader Cookie checked the pocket watch they were equipped with, 4PM. They took a deep breath, preparing themself for the difficult tourists and needs of weird wandering traders and etc.

Timeskip again because I'd rather not write about karen tourists 😍

Reader Cookie wiped their forehead, more angry tourists than the usual amount came in. Finally, Reader Cookie reached the end of the absolute GIGANTIC line. Reader Cookie saw a familiar silhouette, spiky hair and short figure. Emerged from the shadows was Captain Crunchy Chip Cookie. Oh lord. He approached you, looking a bit nervous. Bowing upon your presence, he took a silent deep breath. "Your majesty." Crunchy Chip said as he resumed his normal position. "Captain Crunchy Chip! Great to see you again. I thought you would be another angry tourist." Reader Cookie said, laughing a bit at the end. "I uh..." Crunchy Chip Cookie cleared his throat, trying to get the words he was supposed to say, out. "Y-your majesty, I'd like to request something.." Crunchy Chip looked away, most likely embarrassed from stuttering infront of the prince/princess. "What is this request, Captain? Also, please, no need to be tense around me." Reader Cookie reassured, Crunchy Chip Cookie following Reader Cookies words, still trying to keep it together. "I'd like to request to maybe..." Crunchy Chip Cookie lost it. He forgot proper English. Reader Cookie took notice of the Captains odd behavior. They sighed. "Nervous? Don't worry, you can tell me later. To calm your nerves, would you like some tea?" Reader Cookie offered, standing up from the throne and dusting themself off. "I... Of course your majesty. It's an honor." Crunchy Chip Cookie answered. "Well then, it's settled. Follow me."

Reader Cookie went through the various hallways, Crunchy Chip Cookie marveling at the various items and heirlooms throughout the palace. Finally, they reached the royal kitchen, were the various chefs were cooking up dishes for the charity the Dark Cacao Kingdom was currently donating to. "Let's see what teas pique your interest. Don't be shy to tell me which one you'd like." Reader Cookie asked, Crunchy Chip Cookie nodding like an idiot. As Reader Cookie skimmed through some tea packets, they reached toward the back of the cupboard, pulling out a quite fancy packet. Crunchy Chip Cookie took interest into the tea packet. "Ah this one is a Dark Cacao favorite. And telling by the look on your face, this one it is. Please, wait in the dining room please." Reader Cookie asked as Crunchy Chip Cookie immediately went into the dining room, and took a seat at a random chair. Crunchy Chip Cookie took this moment to recollect.

Why was Crunchy Chip Cookie acting like this? Usually he was known for being quick tempered and NOT soft. But what happened? What was being in the presence of the prince/princess doing to him. All the captain could do was scoff unknowingly that he was slowly getting attached to the young prince/princess. He fiddled with his fingers, still trying to get the prince/princess out of his mind and his mind on something else. The clanking of tea cups snapped the captain out of his thoughts, trying to be proper on such short notice.

Reader Cookie took a seat, as they gave the captain a tea cup and poured the tea inside his cup, and shortly after, in their own cup. The two drank their teas in silence, Reader Cookie setting the teapot in the middle. "Now that I think about it, may I ask why your attitude completely changes around me? Forgive me if I come off as rude." Reader Cookie asked, fearing that their words were offensive. Crunchy Chip Cookie set down his tea cup, trying to not to make it too loud. "I... actually don't know your majesty." Crunchy Chip Cookie replied, Reader Cookie sipping from their tea cup again. "Now, what was it you were going to ask captain? You seem less nervous now." Reader Cookie asked. The captain took a deep breath again. "I was wondering if you would.. maybe meet my Cream Wolves.?" Crunchy Chip asked, and at quite a fast pace too. Reader Cookies eyes widened, setting down their tea cup. "Really? I've never met a Cream Wolf before due to my Father but it would be so cool to meet one!" Reader Cookie exclaimed, forgetting to be professional. "Wait really?" Crunchy Chip Cookie replied, a surprised tone in his voice sufficing. Reader Cookie nodded fiercely as they got curious. "To go back on topic. Of course! Do you mind telling me about them?" Reader Cookie asked out of curiosity, Crunchy Chip Cookie slightly smiling as he put down his tea cup and started chatting with the young prince/princess about the Cream Wolves, and what he and the Cream Wolves did together.

To the twos surprise, minutes turned into hours as the sun slowly set in the west. But the two chatted like they had all the time in the world. Until a servant came up to the two and reminded them. "Your majesty, and guest. It's getting quite late." The servant said to the two, as they both looked at the servant. "Really? Let me check the time. One second." Reader Cookie took out their pocket watch as the clock read 7PM. Oh dear. "It's quite late and you know how your Father is with.." Servant Cookie suddenly motioned their eyes to Crunchy Chip Cookie, Reader Cookie widening their eyes in surprise. For a few moments, Reader Cookie and Servant Cookie whispered back and forth, until Servant Cookie bowed down and left. 


WORDS: 1341 

A/N: This is for GachaDenise_Gamer but don't worry others can read it too: your welcome, were meeting clotted cream cookie soon.

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