Chapter 6 - Battle Scars (I)

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She leered at her reflection in the spotless bathroom mirror. This world continued to suprise her. What should have left permanent marks from the dangerous battle, had quickly faded into nothing. The only scars accounted for were the ones she carried with her into this new life. Reminiscing for a moment, she passed her hands as gently as possible other them, each one telling a different story; stray shrapnel, wild blades, blunt trauma. Each touch spurred the memory, and the phantom pain inflicted with it. Especially the one above her left eye that split her pale eyebrow, one she'd dare not touch upon. The call to battle had returned again, and with it - that peace she once attained - vanished.

The woman's sharp and alert eyes contrasted her strong but youthful face, the horrors of battle implanting marks and features impossible to remove - no matter how much she prodded and pinched. The fresh water from the sink basin did nothing to freshen up the deep frown she bore. She looked unapproachable, the way her bristly hair tangled around her back like a shawl, the wild feathered strands framing her face at chin-length while the pale white sank to dark grey. It would cloak her face at times, only displaying her calculating golden eyes and wolfish grin.

Deep inside, she thought the person in the reflection as alien, and it spurred her to almost plant her fists into the clean glass. She yearned for the shards to fight back and push against the force. But, she knew it would solve nothing. Every misdirected strike in this world's 'safe' towns and cities would leave it undamaged, with a neon purple panel showing up to mock their attempt.

<<Immortal Object>>

The first few times angered her, pushing her even further in the attempt to break this mysterious shield. Alas, that same panel showed how fruitless her efforts were. Besides, the shattered mirror would only scar her now imperfect skin even more.

A slight knock from outside disturbed her brooding, "Reinhardt? Are you in there?" Silica's kind voice echoed throughout the bathroom and into her eardrums.

She hated it. Not Silica, her kindness was precious, but she hated the sympathy that leaked from every word. She could feel it every, single, time the young girl would attempt to initiate a conversation and Reinhardt would lie silent, caught in the past after a battle. It began once she found her staring at the many scars adorning her arms, while she could sense the questions materialise in her mind. Now, every time they would speak about her, it was all she could hear. It pissed her off, but she wouldn't dare make it the kid's problem.

Truthfully, Reinhardt wore them proudly, an attempt at displaying her strength and confidence by keeping her sleeves rolled up. But, all it did was catch attention - sympathetic attention. It would pain her, no one could bear to look past what covered her on the outside, even though she tried so hard for them to.

She didn't deserve their sympathy. Everyone had their own problems, her problems should not become theirs.

Silica deserved a response from outside the door, after all they both knew that she had realised Reinhardt was inside. But, as much as she wanted to talk, to speak as friends, her body would not let her. So, the lump in her throat persisted, and Silica's footsteps trailed down the hall into silence. Her head had sunken down to peer into the partly-filled basin, long strands of hair daintily tickling the freezing cold liquid.

She only had just realised her fists were clenched; shaking at her sides, and her damaged skin itched and prickled.


As much as she resisted, her tightened fists eventually slammed into the cream tiled wall at her side, and that purple light shone against her face once more. She knew that if she lifted her head to see its mocking words, it would only worsen. So, Reinhardt's thoughts bounced around her head in reconciliation, until she left the bathroom with a brisk pace. Leaving only the soft drips of the metal tap, and a miraculously cracked wall as her witness.

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