Chapter Six

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The next thing I knew, I was in a forest clearing with a stream running through it. I was near the middle of a group of people in the clearing, and after a cursory look I knew there were exactly eighteen people besides myself. I was surprised by the speed of my counting — would this be a result of my instinct trait? I'd have to investigate later just what effects being Exalted had on me besides my increase in magic.

I surveyed my fellow Exalted. Most were completely shocked by what was happening, though a few were more calm. Some of them were blankly staring in front of them, and I realized they were looking at the window. I made a mental note to myself to mind when and how I was looking at it, to avoid appearing strange to others.

They truly came from all walks of life. The youngest person looked to be about Eleanor's age, and the oldest had gray hair with his face a mess of wrinkles. There were seven women and eleven men, and only three of the men looked at all ready for combat. They were armed and armored, and seemed the most put-together of the people here.

It also seemed that I was the only noble, which was garnering a great deal of attention. My voluminous dress flowed gently in the breeze, and the gems around my neck and affixed to my ears glittered in the sunlight. Appraising my attire was one thing, but I hoped no one would recognize the eyes and hair characteristic of House Pendragon.

Two of the armed men were enraptured by me, but the third, who looked middle aged, was the first person to speak. He had a clear voice that seemed used to wrangling groups, and it drew everyone's attention from me. "Alright you lot, I'm not sure what exactly is going on but it seems we've got to work together to get out of this. Who here can fight?"

The other two men immediately raised their hands. After some hesitation, four of the burlier-looking men raised their hands as well. Over a third of the group would be combatants, which wasn't terrible. Certainly it would be enough to comfortably keep watch at night.

The man who'd spoken nodded, and said, "Can anyone here use magic?" He looked at me in particular as he asked, which was sensible. While anyone could be born a wizard, it was more likely for the nobility. Certainly, no one else here had the appearance of a wizard.

This was the moment where I'd need to make a decision. Would I lie and try to get by as a helpless noblewoman? The situation had changed somewhat with my magical power, but I trusted in my father's and Sir Keith's judgment. My weakness had not been the only reason they had wanted me to conceal my abilities, after all. I maintained eye contact with him and shook my head.

"That's damn unlucky," he said once no one came forward. "Well, nothing for it. We'll have to get by with strength and steel. Let's do some introductions. I'm Cayde, and I've been a mercenary for about thirty years. I've fought in wars and served as a bodyguard, and I've also been a monster hunter."

The group took turns introducing themselves, stating their names and professions. If their appearance hadn't been proof enough, none of these people had family names, indicating that they were all commoners. The other two armed men were also mercenaries. One was younger with handsome features despite the scar over one of his eyes. He had long brown hair tied back in a simple bun, and was quite muscular. His name was Jackson. The other was plain-looking and older, though not as old as Cayde. His name was Griffith.

The four other men who'd volunteered as fighters were not mercenaries. Two were farmers, one was a blacksmith, and the last was a mason. The other men had professions which were not physically demanding, and the child was the son of a carpenter. The women introduced themselves by their husband's profession, except for one by the name of Maria, who worked as a maid in a Count's household.

I introduced myself last, and rather than coming up with a fake name or impersonating a member of another House, I simply introduced myself as Bella. I was worried someone would ask me for my family's name, but none of them seemed concerned with the fact that I had stated only my given name. I did identify myself as a noblewoman, however.

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