Chapter Fifteen

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Following the duel, I had to receive congratulations from every single noble visitor. This entailed a short conversation with all of them. All forty of them.

By the time we'd returned back to the castle, their shock had worn off, replaced primarily by two reactions. The first was an immense admiration, particularly from many of the members of my extended family. Just as my father had, they compared me to the great Pendragons of old, from Desmond the First all the way to Tegyn himself. Many of them even expressed their optimism for the future of Westmark with me as its Duchess, forcing me to explain repeatedly that I had no desire for that.

The second reaction was derision for my sister. The guests had all by this point understood that this entire duel was a result of Eleanor's arrogance. The fact that she'd not only lost, but so dramatically, had essentially turned her into a laughingstock. How, they wondered, could Eleanor delude herself into believing that she was my superior after I'd become Exalted? Most of the vassals made remarks at her expense in order to curry favor with me, who they saw as an essential fixture in the future of the Duchy of Westmark, even if I would not be the Duchess. It was gratifying at first, but the blatant sycophancy quickly became tiring.

The Princess's congratulations felt the most genuine, as expected of royalty. She expressed her amazement at my extraordinary powers, saying that she understood now why my uncle thought so highly of me. She also asked my permission to spread the story of what she had seen here across the Kingdom, which I immediately gave.

A banquet in honor of my victory was held in the great hall that night, and Eleanor was conspicuously absent. Few could blame her, of course — I likely would have done the same if I'd lost, especially in such an embarrassing fashion. I was given the seat of honor at the head table beside my father, and I enjoyed looking out across the hall at all the admiring nobles.

My father did not have anything in particular to say to me, instead devoting most of his attention to the Princess, who was sitting on his left. After the meal had finished, however, and father had finished socializing, he brought me to his study.

It was as we made the trip up the stairs, into the hallway, and through the study doors that I felt a mounting pressure. I had never gone against my father's will before, let alone after promising to do something for him. My chest slowly constricted as I wondered what he would say. How would he react? Would he be disappointed? Angry? I'd already seen the extent he was willing to go to when one of his children acted out of line. Was it my turn?

He sat down in one of the armchairs, and indicated for me to sit in the other one. Once I was situated, he watched me with a steady gaze, rubbing his chin as he considered me. His expression betrayed no emotion. Then, he spoke a single sentence. "That was not the plan."

"Father, I'm sorry," I said, the words spilling out as soon as I was allowed to speak. "I said that I would follow your instructions, but I simply couldn't stand the idea of lowering myself to her level. You knew even better than I the difference between us, and so-"

He held up his hand, and I immediately stopped speaking. His lips began to twitch, and before my heart could sink any deeper into fear and apprehension, they gave way not to a glare, but a grin. He began to laugh at me. "My apologies for putting you through that Annabelle. To be clear, I'm not angry with you. I was simply surprised. I never imagined you would go against my wishes in that manner."

I was annoyed at him for allowing me to believe he'd been upset, but it was more than overshadowed by the relief. "As I said, I did not wish to lower myself to her level. Now that I am finally capable, I want the world to understand how capable I am, whatever the consequences may be. I am Annabelle Pendragon, and I want the Kingdom to show me the respect I deserve."

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