2| new beginnings

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☆.。.:* eclipse ☆.。.:*

Being at the Fisher's beach house always brought back such fond memories. It started when I first met Jeremiah. We were four, at the Clubs annual 'Summer Club' for kids. He sat next to me at the arts and crafts table and tried to steal my purple glitter glue.

Four year old me wasn't having it. I said that if he wanted some he could have it, but I would be the one squeezing it. So I did, all over his shirt. Instead of crying and throwing a tantrum like a child would do, he laughed and told me I'd made him look pretty.

From that day onwards, we were best friends. Susannah would pick me and Jeremiah up at lunch time and take us back to the beach house where we'd spend the afternoon playing mermaids in the pool. Conrad would even sometimes join in.

I don't know how we got him to but we've never let him forget it. We even sometimes played with Belly when her family came up.
It's funny how that one little moment at the club, blossomed into years of an unforgettable friendship .

I turned my head at the sound of footsteps on the stairs and saw Jeremiah with his board.

"Hey let's go surfing! We haven't been together in forever"

It was a good thing I had my swimsuit on underneath my dress. I slipped it off and left it on the living room chair. We went out to the side of the house where they kept their spare boards, and mine as I always kept it here, and we grabbed it before racing down to the beach.

I laughed as I sped off in front of Jeremiah kicking sand behind me. He soon gained speed and overtook me but I latched on to the waistband of his shorts and yanked him backwards.

He managed to just stop himself from tumbling over but it was too late, I was already at the waters edge. I had won.

"Hey that's not fair! You cheated! It was foul play!" He called.

I laughed at his sulky expression. That boy is such a sore loser, he always has been. I remember the summer we were ten Jeremiah and Conrad were doing races in the pool and Conrad beat him by a mile because he was much taller and faster so Jeremiah locked himself in his room for the rest of the day.
Susannah had to bribe him with gummy bears to come out.

Jeremiah comes barrelling at me and knocks me over into the water. I gasp as salty seawater goes up my nose and down my throat. I cough aggressively as I stand up.

"That was not funny." I rasp as he stops laughing.

"Aw come on Ratty Natty don't be a sore loser!"

I gasp at the nickname before slapping him over the head with my now soggy flip flop. The year we met, at Summer Club, he'd taken to calling me Ratty Natty because he knew I hated it. That's how the whole glitter glue fiasco happened.

I rugby tackle him into the water sending waves of salty sea water crashing over us both. I laugh as he splutters, coughing at the salt.

"You're evil for that." He grumbles as he grabs his board.

I ignore him, grabbing my board too, and we launch ourselves into the water on our boards, before spending the afternoon riding the waves.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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eclipse- jeremiah fisherWhere stories live. Discover now