chapter 1

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Pov: Y/n

I sat on my windowsill reading a book. It was relatively stormy outside, which calmed me down a lot, ever since I was little I wasn't afraoid of thunderstorms like the other children at my school.
I put the book down and picked up my phone.
Paul: Hey,I thought we can go eat something again? Of course only if you want to! 
Me: Uh sure, when do you have time?
Paul: Actually always just let me know
Me : We could go to coffee tomorrow morning?
Paul: Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then! 

I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost half past ten, so I decided to get ready for bed.I got ready and put my phone on my closet and snuggled under the covers.  I was about to stretch out my arms to look for Wanda when I realized she wasn't there. I exhaled loudly and lay on my side and closed my eyes.

Pov: Wanda

"Wanda stop! You can't bring her back! She's gone" I smiled slightly and walked a little closer so that I looked Stephen in the eye. "Of course I can do that!" He tried to take my hand but I immediately pulled it away. "Please wanda, Y/n wouldn't want that!" My eyes grew serious, "Leave Y/n out of this," I almost yelled. "I know you want natasha back but she's gone wanda and we can't help that. It was her choice." "I SAID LET Y/N OUT OF IT!" I raised my hand and used my magic to slam Stephen against the wall." Does she know about all this? "I walked towards him. "She doesn't need to know any of this."
He freed himself from my grip. "So you're lying to her?" "I protect her and give her what she wants most!" I hissed back. "She wants you wanda, of course natasha is dead and we all miss her but what y/n needs most right now is you!" I rolled my eyes. "You don't know anything about us!"
"I know, but I know how y/n is and that she needs you so please!" A tear ran down my cheek. "I just want her back." He took a step toward me. "You have to close the dark hold wanda, please!"
He held out his hand to me, maybe some kind of peace offering. "I can't stephen." i looked at him. "What you up to." I smiled lightly. "I'm going to leave this reality and go into one where I can be with natasha and y/n." he withdrew his hand. "Wanda, Natasha is dead, she doesn't exist anymore," he said, almost annoyed. "She exists, in every other reality, I know because I dream of her every night, every single night!" "Wanda I know you're hurt you've had to sacrifice a lot of things and I understand you but-" I stopped him. "I shot Vision in the head, for what? For absolutely nothing, so don't tell me about it, you understand me," I interrupted him
"What are you up to now?" I've been waiting for this question. "I want you to give me america shavez at sunrise , willingly!" I turned and walking  away just as he started to speak. "And what if not? "I turned around. "Well then it's not Wanda maximoff coming for her, then comes the  Scarlet witch!"


"I do not really understand! Wanda gone evil, wants to kill america shavez to travel to another reality?" I've been on the phone for 20 minutes now with stephen, who explains to me that I absolutely have to come to the kamar ta to stop Wanda from kidnapping america shavez. "Yeah just about." I frowned. "What did these america have to do with it?" "She has powers, she can travel to other realities to live or do other things," he answered me.
Ah, so I should try to change wanda's mind?" "Yes, if that works, you're the only person who should be able to do it." I exhaled loudly. "I'll open a portal for you." He had only just said it when a portal lit up next to me. I hung up and walked through. "Nice to see you again kid!" A very happy stephen stood in front of me. He held my hand. "Same to you!"
"Okay, slow down," I began to wiggle my index finger in circles. "Hah! Did you see that? A spark!" Stephen smiled at me. "Well done! Keep it up." Stephen kept walking. "Did you see that?" I asked a boy next to me. "Yes, you did well." I was delighted, it's not easy to create a portal let alone spark. "ATTENTION IT'S HAPPENING!" I ran over to Stephen who was standing next to a man. "Y/n that's wong, wong that's Y/n, she's wanda's Girlfriend."Heyy," I replied as a dark cloud covered us and a woman appeared in the sky. "Okay, you stay here!" "but-" i replied when stephen was already in the air.


Thats the first chapter, I hope you're all ate enough! I love you all so much <3

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