Chapter 2

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The school bell rang the last bell loudly in our years making their own ears ring. School was out for the summer. Summer had asked her best friend Candice to watch Dina over the summer when she had to work. Dina held onto Summer's hand. She was trying to get a tired Summer to race with her. But Summer was in no mood for a race. Dina gave up on the race then began to skip still tugging at her Mother's arm a bit making Summer wince in pain. Motherhood...thinks Summer. Dina smiles at her.

"Bye Dina! Have a good summer!" Dina's little friend Helen calls out to Dina. Summer was friends with Helen's Mother to Laura Cole.

"Can Helen come over to play today?" begs Dina.

"Sorry Dina! We are going on a trip with Daddy when he comes home from work" explains a happy looking Helen.

"I wish I had a Daddy. I bet he would take us on trip's to" Dina mumbles. Summer knew Dina wished for a Father. But that was not going to happen any time soon for Summer. That was just the way things were going to have to be. She wanted to place all her attention and her time on Dina. Dina needed her. She did not want to let any man in their lives. A man to control them or beat them or miss use them in any sort of way. Summer did not trust men nor her given track record with men either. It was best that she just stay single.

"Maybe someday you will have a Daddy to" Helen tells Dina.

"Sorry but my husband Larry is taking us all on a camping trip over the states. We are going sight seeing this summer. It should be a lot of fun. But I do not know how I am going to live with three kids in a camper all summer long" laughs Laura. Laura had two boys beside having Helen. Her boys were in high school. Their names were Larry Jr and Paul.

"It will be much better then working over the summer I am sure of that" jokes Summer.

"Have a good one what ever you do" Laura tells her.

"Can I come with you guys? Momma has to work" Dina grumbles.

"DINA! That is rude you do not invite yourself when your not invited. No your not going to be away from Momma and Carla all summer long we would miss you" Summer snaps feeling like she was loosing her patients with her child. Her Mother did not like her to call her Mother nor Grandmother. She had had Summer call her Carla back when Summer turned thirteen years old. Carla said being called Mother or Grandmother made her feel older. And that when they were out and she called her Carla then others would think Summer's Mother was her sister. Not her Mother. Which Summer never understood this. She was proud that her Dina called her Mother. She was proud to be a Mother. She knew her Mother had become a Mother at a young age like she had. That she had not planned on being a Mother.

"Sorry Momma" sighs Dina looking defeated.

"Well we have to go. Have a good summer Dina" Laura tells a pouty unhappy Dina.

"Bye Dina" says Helen as she leaves with her Momma.

"Stop pouting...your lip will stick like that" teases Summer to a sad little Dina. They begin to walk back home. They often would ride the bus on back home to the apartment building. But it was such a nice day out that Summer figured that she would take Dina for a walk. Spend some time with her little girl. "Maybe when we get home we can see if Lisa Marie's Daddy ever called to have a play date with her"Summer reminds her little girl. Dina's face lights up at the mention of having a friend to play with. Summer knew Dina wished for a sister or a playmate. Summer wished there were more kids in the apartment building they lived at. But there were only teens. To old for Dina to play with or make a friend with.

"Maybe! Do you think he will let me play with Lisa Marie?" Dina asks her hopefully.

"I do not see why not, maybe she is grounded still. But I am sure they will call" Summer says trying her best to give her little girl something to look forward to.

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