Chapter 3

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Summer had gotten done with work. She was going to get dinner on her way home from work. She had to stop and pick up Dina from over at Candice's place. She was tired. She had done a lot of work in the dark room. Getting photos ready to print out for the paper. She was just wanting to go home and spend the night with her baby girl. The two of them. She stopped at the diner and grabbed some hamburgers fries and things. She got an order for her cranky over worked Mother as well to. She might as well get on her Mother's good side. If there was a good side that is! Summer walked on over to Candice duplex building. She knocked on the door. She heard the dog barking. Candice had a little cute tiny dog. Summer did not know what kind if was but it was sure cute. And Dina loved the thing. When Dina would see the dog she would want to have one of her own to. But where they lived you could not have a pet at all.

"Ross get back. No Ross no...down" Summer could hear Candice bicker behind the door. Soon the door opened. Candice was holding her infant daughter Katie in her arms. She was holding back Ross with her foot to keep the dog back in the home. "Come on in" Candice tells her letting Summer in her place. The place was messy. Not like Candice normally her home was spotless. Sense Candice had become a Mother now she was finding it hard to keep the home tidy. Summer had to smile. She never thought she would see her best friends home looking like a tornado hit there.

"Momma!" Dina cries as she spots Summer coming in. Dina puts down her coloring book and runs on over to hug Summer. Summer set's down her bag of take out food on the in table.

"Momma, I am glad your off work! I get to see Lisa Marie on Tuesday!" Dina says with joy.

"Well who is this Lisa Marie that I have heard about nonstop?" Candice asks Summer curiously as she holds Katie over her shoulder. Her pretty blond hair was piled up on her head in a bun. Which was also unlike Candice who always had her hair done as well as her nails done to.

"Lisa Marie is a girl who Dina made friends with at the park a few days ago. Lisa Marie invited Dina out to play over at her place. Which will be good for Dina. Because Dina has been driving me buggy! She needs a play mate her own age" sighs Summer.

"ROSS! NO ROSS NO!" gasps Candice suddenly. They both look over to see a naughty Ross into Summer's bag of dinner goodies. "Oh no!" Dina cries. Candice sets her baby in the baby swing. She goes to try to get Ross out of the bag of take out food. The dog had torn the bag to bits. There was nothing left soon but greasy ripped up wrappers. Candice goes to try to take the bad dog away from the food. The dog growls at her. "Ross! Bad dog! Bad!" Candice scolds him.

"Never mind. It is long gone now" grumbles Summer. She would have to cook now that was for sure.

"Momma can we go home? I am hungry" whines Dina. It was past her dinner time.

"Well yes we better get on home" sighs a tired out Summer. "Thanks again Candice" Summer tells her friend as she pays her money for watching her daughter.

"Thanks, I maybe taking in other kids to who knows maybe Dina will have a new friend to play with here. This is the only work I can do right now. Katie needs me at home" Candice tells her.

"I hope so that would be nice right Dina?" asks Summer.

"Right...let's go home" says a impatient Dina as she tugs at her Mother's arm.

"Bye, Candice" says Summer.

"See you later! Bye Dina, have fun with your new play mate Lisa" says Candice. Dina was not listing she was heading out the door right then pulling on Summer's arm leading her Mother out the door.

They go take the bus on home. Summer was in no mood to walk that day. Not any more then she had to walk. She was tired out. She knew it was a nice day out and she should walk. But she just was in no mood to walk. None at all. Dina went and sat in the last seat on the bus. Summer sighed.

"Get up and let Momma sit down. You can sit on my lap" Summer demands.

"Momma I am not little any more. Can't I have my own seat?" begs Dina.

"Dina normally yes you can have your own seat. I am tired so get up. Right now young lady" demands Summer. She was in no mood to argue with her child. Dina got up. Summer sat down beside an elder gentlemen. Then Dina climbed up on her lap.

"Momma?" Dina asks.

"What Dina?" sighs Summer. She was in no mood to play a million questions right then.

"I am hungry" says Dina like a broken record.

"Well I will make dinner when we get home" says Summer.

"What was in the bag Ross ate?" Dina wonders.

"Hamburgers and fries" sighs Summer.

"Stupid dog" grumbles Dina.

"I will get some another day okay?" Summer promises her daughter.

"I wish we could have had some today" says Dina.

"Me to kiddo" says Summer.

"Momma?" asks Dina.

"Yes?" Summer asks.

"What are we going to have for dinner?" wonders Dina.

"Chicken pot pies or beef pot pies is all we have in the freezer" Summer says to Dina who makes a face. Dina did not really care for pot pies much. Summer did not much either. But some days they could only afford pot pies and roman noodles for dinner. That would have to do if it was. They got home they found Carla passed out on the couch. She had spilled her coffee on the floor again staining it. Summer was always cleaning up her Mother's messes. All the time. Dina did not make a noise when she came in and saw her Grandmother was asleep. Summer plugged in the phone again so others could get a hold of them. She turned on the oven and got out the pot pies to cook in the oven.

"Do you want beef or chicken pot pies?" Summer asks Dina.

"Chicken beef is gross" says Dina as she gets out a coloring book to color in at the table while she waited.

"Chicken it is" says Summer.

"Keep it down in there" pipes up Carla. She often talked in her sleep. Summer could not tell if this was one of those times. Carla rolled over on her side. She did not wake. Summer sighed. She wished one day she could afford to live on her own. Have a place for Dina where Dina did not have to worry about making noise in her own place. The place was in her Mother's name. But Summer paid nearly half of the bills in the place. Summer put the pot pies in the oven when the oven timer beeped letting her know it was ready. The phone rang. Dina jumped to answer it. When Dina got bored she liked to answer the phone.

"Hello! Oh hi Lisa Marie! Yes we are still coming! Yes! Okay sure I can bring my Barbies. I only have two though. Wow you have how many? I can not wait to see them all! You have Ken to?? Neat! Oh you need to talk to my Momma? Okay here she is!" Dina says as she hands the phone over to her Mother.

"Hi Lisa Marie yes we are still coming" says Summer.

"Okay, Daddy wanted me to give you our address he is busy or he would talk to you" says Lisa Marie says to Summer.

"Alright then I have a pen now you may give me your address" Summer replies. Summer writes down the address. "What is the was the address? Are you sure? That is is?" Summer stammers.

"Yes that is right" Lisa Marie says after repeating the address again for the second time.

"Then you live at Graceland??" stammers Summer.

"I thought you knew?" Lisa Marie replies.

"Knew what?" Summer says feeling shocked.

"Elvis is my Daddy" says Lisa Marie.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2015 ⏰

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