Chapter 1

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It was nearly summer time. Almost. She had one week to go then summer was officially here at long last. There was only one issue with summer being here for Summer Nelson. She needed a sitter for her baby girl, Dina Nelson. Her Mother would watch her but giving great protests about doing so. Summer did not like leaving her baby girl with her Mother given her Mother's past history of well mothering. She was not the perfect ideal Mother of the year nor Grandmother of the year. Summer's Mother was the last person in the world that Summer wanted to leave her baby girl with.

That was for sure. Summer had moved from place to unsecure place her whole entire life long. She did not want the same for her baby girl. She often was picking up the rent for her as well as her Mother and baby girl. Her baby was not much of a baby. More of a toddler. Or a child one might say. But to Summer, Dina would always be her baby girl no matter the age Dina turned out to be each year. Dina was a free spirited, caring, playful animal loving little six year old girl.

She had red hair like her Momma and Grandma. She had emerald green eyes to like her Momma. She was looking more and more like her Irish Momma then her bastard Daddy. Which was just fine with Summer. Summer had been on a date with Dina's Daddy. He had raped her in a car on the date. She ended up having Dina. She did not want to have an abortion with Dina that was no option. If anyone gave her hell about being a single Mother she simply told them she was a war widow. Then they just felt sorry for her. The bastard Daddy had moved away thankfully to another state. She never saw him again in Memphis. She was glad for that to. Summer and Dina were at the park that day. It was a bright sunny day out. They had brought a picnic lunch out there. She often tried to find free things to do with her daughter. Because she could not afford to do things like go to the movies. Or go bowling. She did do as many things as she could do with Dina. Things that money was not needed for. And that was the best kind of things. Things that money could not buy!

"Dina eat your food or you will not be playing on those swings. Then who will beat her new leg pumping record?" Summer coaxes Dina to eat her sandwich. The child hated weat bread. But Summer was at least trying to get her kid to eat healthy. Dina did not seem to enjoy the pj on wheat bread. But she had to try it out on her daughter.

"Momma it taste's funny. I do not like it" concludes a stubborn little Dina as she sets her sandwich down on her paper lunch bag. She makes a frowny face at her Mom and crosses her arms in disgust.

"Go on eat it or you will not play. We will sit right here until we go on home" Summer reminds her stubborn child who the boss is still. Dina makes a face then turns around to watch a little squirrel climb up a tree seeing they saw him. Summer notices they were being watched to. Not just the squirrel. There was a little girl standing there watching them with curiousness. She had pretty blond hair in pig tails. She had on a blue and white jumper dress that looked like something Dina might wear only for an Easter sunday it was very fancy. Summer had admired it in the Sears department store for Dina. She remembered wishing for she could buy it for Dina that Easter. But she could not for lack of funds. The little girl looked oddly familiar to Summer. Though she could not place her finger on of why. The little girl's lip curled almost amusingly at them as she watched them. Her blue eyes sparkled. What a pretty blue they were. It concerned Summer that this young child was out here with no care giver. What kind of person left their child alone in such a big park??

"Are you lost?" Summer finally asks the young lady. She shakes her head shyly.

"Are you sure your not lost?" Dina repeats Summer. She often tried to act like her Momma. The young girl shook her head no again. "Do you know how to talk?" Dina asks her. The young girl nod's her head yes this time.

"Where is your Momma?" worries Summer?

"Or Daddy...I might not have a Daddy but maybe she does" Dina pipes up asking.

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