The man of too much knowledge

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The sun was just starting to set as Patch and I sat in his old jeep waiting for Winston.
According to Patch, Winston was one of the oldest Nephilim on earth and if Scott was back he'd know. However Patch warned me that he is good with mind tricks and won't hesitate to use them on us if he can. He told us to meet him on arch avenue and wait in the parking lot till he came to finds us but I was growing increasingly nervous and even Patch seemed tense. "When Winston comes for us," Patch announced "I want you to stay in the car." I turned to Patch giving him a glare that told him different, don't start this again I said in his mind, I'm coming with you. With a sigh Patch nodded and turned to look at me "fine, but keep close and don't let him fool you because he will try," I nodded needing Patch to understand I knew what I was doing. "Whatever happens or whatever the outcome," I whispered "I love you," Patch reached for my hand and started to run his thumb over my knuckles. "I love you too, and if Scott isn't back fine we can put it behind us but if he's back and ready for revenge I'll stand and fight with you." I nodded resting my head on Patches shoulder "thank you," I said with as much emotion as I could "anything for you, Angel," Patch said with a look of sincerity in his eyes.

There was a knock at the car door which sent the car rocking "get out the car," said a low rough voice. Patch climbed out the car first, shortly followed by me. A tall built up man stood in front of me with a hat pulled over his eyes "Nora, Nora Grey, what a pleasure to meet you," he smiled reaching out his hand for me to shake. Patch eyed be carefully as I stepped forward and meet the mans hand half way "I've heard a lot about you young lady and I must say I'm very impressed," he says his eyes flickering to Patch.

"And to what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you again," the man said giving Patch a glare "I'd rather not say till we're somewhere private," Patch said bluntly "then please follow me," the man goaded cheerfully but his tone was too sharp.

That's Winston Patch said in my mind as we follow Winston down an alley way of streets. I nodded at Patch hoping to reassure him I new what I was doing. We rounded a corner into a dark ware house which looked like it had been abounded for years, the beans keeping the ceiling up rusting and the walls covered in grease and lime. Winston came to a stop taking his hat off and turning around to face us, eyeing us up. Windows face was far from pure like other Nephilim, his mouth was surrounded by a pool of stubble and his eyes lay in a hollow dips, his teeth stained yellow.
"So what do you want?" Said Winston in a bored tone.
"We want to know if Scott Parnell is back and don't pretend you don't know him we already know you do," Patch growled trying to keep the upper hand in this conversation. "Oh yes, Scott Parnell, what a lovely boy sad he had to die," Winston spat, he was trying to hide something. "What becomes of him now?" I asked breaking my earlier promise to Patch to let home deal with it.

Winston's eyes narrow "he's dead, Miss. Grey, I don't know nothing," he growled, all earlier politeness gone from his voice. "Yes you do, now tell me," he pondered for a minute before saying "and what shall I get in return for my time," he asked slyly. "Your life," Patch simply said, I felt pressure at the back of my neck as the world started to spin under my feet. Patch! I shouted into his mind Angel? He replied quickly what is is it?
He's trying to use his mind tricks on me but I don't know how to block him out! I said into Patches head frantically.
"That's quite enough of that," Patch said through my haze "get out of her head before I crack yours!" My vision started to clear and the world came swirling back to a sudden stop beneath me. "Got a lot of learning to do, sweet heart," Winston added with a sinful grin.

Patch glanced at me out of the corner of his eye, I nodded letting him know I was alright. "What do you know on Scott Parnell?" I repeated, my voice still groggy from the mind trick. George stayed silent refusing to talk, his gaze fixed on Patch. Patch rolled his eyes, throwing Winston a bag of money.

"All I know," Winston started "that is he ain't dead, he's been living it low keeping his 'ed down. Last time I spoke to 'im he spoke of revenge and he weren't pitiful about it. All I know is that he plans it soon and he came to me for a weapon to kill and immortal," he finished, counting his money in his hand. "And what weapon was that?" Patch asked coolly but I could see pure rage in his eyes. "Sorry can't say, blood oath and all that," he smirked, minikin his hands being tied.

Let's get out of here Patch said into my mind. He grabbed my hand, freeing me from my frozen state. We swiftly walked pass Winston, Patch knocking into his shoulder as we passed.

I managed to make it to the car before I burst into tears "P...P...Patch," I said in between sobs. "I know, Angel, I know. Let's just get home then we can talk this through," I nodded into Patches shoulder wiping my tears on his shirt.

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