chapter one : mixed feeling's

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This is my first story so it might get forgotten but tell me your thoughts and I'll work on them

This takes place after the summer of Hawkins after they beat the mind flayer and in this au El and will don't move and hopper doesn't die..l

This changes from third to second because I'm a bad writer and struggle to be creative I'm sorry..l

El I said keep the door three inches elll he says as he leans his recliner back  HEY I SAID THREE INCHES THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE hopper said as he barged towards the still closed door. I SAID THREE INCHES  he slam's the door open to find not Mike but max , oh my he stares in disbelief I'm so sorry I- do you guys want any um snacks he says but is loudly interrupted by the sound of the two girls laughing . It's okay dad you say we are just going to go to Mike's house to hang out with everyone don't die while I'm gone okay. Alright kiddo have fun and remember don't you dare go to the mall or to anywhere we haven't made sure is totally safe okaayy she says while getting her and Max's stuff put away, bye El I love you he says as you and max run out the door

At Mike's house)

You and max walk up the the basement just to hear loud yelling coming from the boys, YES WILL YOU DID IT YOU ATTACKED THE DEMOGORGON ITS NASTY SKIN  MELTS AWAY IT SCREECHES IN AGONY, *demogorgon melting noises*WOOOO  El and Max watch as Mike runs up and hugs will first chanting 'will the wise' over and over then joined by everyone else and she couldn't help but feel a little sad that Mike didn't notice her yet but El quickly got rid of those thoughts and went and cheered on Will for his victory then everybody settle down and  mike finally realized the girls got there and awkwardly hugged El, she didn't seem it any different than before but she felt different like something inside was saying that he's not the one anymore but that was nonesence because of course you still love Mike right?..

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