chapter three : realization

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..The first part of this chapter is byler it will be told through Mike and will then your perspective through El

Hey Mike are you ok? You hear Will say, o oh yeah my bad Will I guess I zoned out there for a minute ,oh it's no problem but do you want to get back to the movie now , You say ok and get under the blanket with Will he picked out a horror movie with zombies it's pretty good but the moment we got to the movie Will got jittery but he kept saying how cool the movie was. /20 minutes later/

Me and will are both into the movie rn and we got closer together ,I went to grab wills hand under the blanket because I was scared because there was a eyeless clown zombie eating a little kid in a blood pool  then all of a sudden will jumped on me he was trembling ,I wrapped my arms around him and held him till he calmed down and then we just looked at eachother and I could feel Will move towards me I move my face forward and we kiss we hold it there for a while we just sit there kissing and then I realize what I was doing,

Will I can't do this I'm dating El and he starts to just fill with surprise as if his actions were not his own and he quickly gets off and starts apologizing. I'm so sorry Mike I can't believe I just did that I don't know what overcame me I promise I'm not gay I just don't know what happened Hey hey Will calm down I don't really know what happened but even if you were gay I would never be mad about it and honestly I feel bad saying this but I did enjoy the kiss I say smiling but my smile quickly flipped when I look up the stairs to the house and see El and Max standing there El was holding a box with a ribbon I CANT BELIEVE YOU MIKE El yells she throws the box at my head and storms out leaving a furious Max ,she walks down to me and slaps me.

Mike I can't believe you'd do that you've reached a new low man that's seriously fucked up and I hope you feel this guilt forever you self ish prick and Will I'm disappointed in you like I didn't take you as a relationship wrecker  she says Max please don't tell anyone about the kiss please just tell them that Mike was talking romantic to another girl I know you probably hate me but I can't be outed yet please Max, .. Fine I'm only doing this because I know how bad it is to be called what your not ready to be out as yet alright I'm not a douchebag like you guys Max says running out the room after El.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2022 ⏰

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