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It's been more than three months since hunter came to the city during these last weeks hunter became much more friends with Emira than ever, almost inseparable to the point that he thought of dyeing his hair green like her, although that was not the only relationship that his friendship with wilow, Gus, luz, vee and Edric also prospered, although a greater joy and friendship was noted when he was with Emira and wilow

Monday, the first day of the week, Hunter has been in Gravesfield for almost two months, in that time he has strengthened his relationship with Wilow and Emira, as well as making quite a few friends.

His uncle on the other hand has put him to study twice as much in order to be a worthy heir to the Wittebane surname among the extra study is French, Spanish, German and Mandarin not to mention fencing or manners classes among many other things. Good thing about this is that most of these new classes have been spent with his friends like Edric, Gus, Luz, Emira or Wilow, which has made these new classes something fun or at least bearable.

Upon arriving at school that cold Monday, Hunter found himself surprised that it was election time, at that time they were electing the student president, something that interested him in a short time, although there was the small detail that Emira has also run as a candidate.

Hunter didn't want her to be upset with him but he didn't want to let this opportunity pass him by so he considered it all day.

In the afternoon he went out with Gus and wilow to the park and in a little talk with them he finally decided to apply

The next day at school he realized that he was the only opponent of Emira which made him feel uncomfortable but in the end he had to do it

The same day that the candidates were announced, Emira looked for hunter to talk to him.

Hi, do you have a minute?


-Well I want to know why you decided to be my competition

-I didn't want to be your competition, just that I also want to be the student president and well, I didn't think I was your only opponent, I'm really sorry

-look hunter you are my friend and nothing you do will make me angry and well I want it to be a fair election without rancor

-I would never hold grudges against you, you are my friend and even with everything

-thanks hunter see you in the debate

Saying this, Emira gives Hunter a small kiss on the cheek and leaves.

They divided into two on one side Gus vee and wilow supporting hunter and on the other Edric luz and amity supporting Emira

They then began a race to win over the students, supported in the shadows by both belos and Odalia, both patriarchs thought of the benefit of defeating the other, if it were in a school election, on the one hand, belos, who, by defeating a blight, demonstrated his power. and that they still couldn't betray the blight and on the other Odalia knew that if her daughter beat hunter that means she could break her political connections with the Wittebane once and for all connections that used to be very complex when negotiating

The following weeks were a true political campaign since both families did their best to win on the one hand the Wittebanes brought a full fair to the school while the blights brought a full concert for the competition on their part both Emira and hunter did not want turned into a fight but their respective relatives did not allow it

In the first debate, a good camaraderie was felt between the two, but as the Campaign progressed, they began to fight in a more personal way.

Her good start turned into a dirty war in the end, all to obtain victory, but no one felt as bad as Emira, who saw how hunter became more and more cold and distant with her because of that.

Finally, that Friday arrived, waiting for the day of the vote, both Emira and Hunter were waiting for him in different parts of the school when the result came, the surprise and the problems came to the surface.

In the end, the winner was hunter by a vote of difference, what made the victory more pyrrhic was that that vote of difference was Emira's when hunter realized that she won, he looked for Emira to talk


-Oh, it's you

-I just want to apologize, I know it was as important to me as it was to you.

-I'm fine, it's just that the way you attacked me made you sad to see you lower yourself so much

-It wasn't entirely my idea, it's just that Gus and my uncle said it was the best and I wanted to avoid it, I didn't really want to hurt you

-well it seems that it was not enough now if you excuse me I have things to do

-Emira, please, I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm really sorry.

-You should have thought about that before attacking me and saying that she was an unconscious and pretentious spoiled girl

-I'm really sorry

Emira storms off while Edric who was behind her gives hunter a dirty look.

It really hurt her to think about everything she did to beat her but even with all wilow who was by her side at all times

-she is angry

-at least it was not a clean campaign

-I know but I think my uncle went too far when he tried to discredit the

-Now she will be angry but I'm sure she will get over it I assure you

-thanks wilow you always know how to make me feel better

At that moment a strange environment surrounds them and suddenly they felt the need to be closer to the point that little by little their faces got closer, staying at a distance.

point where even his breath met

When she seemed that they would kiss, she went in to get something and she felt extremely embarrassed when she realized the moment that she had just interrupted

They both separated in a quick movement and then headed for the exit.

Once at home, hunter tries to confront her uncle about how she tries to make Emira the bad guy in the story.

-it was cruel she was not my enemy she was my friend

-that's the least of it, the blight learned not to try to take away our power and that's more than enough

-she was my first friend and you ended my friendship just because you wanted to prove something to Odalia blight

-if this is how the world works now it is better that you begin to accept it also in a short time it will be the day of the founders and he planned a great celebration and you will be by my side to show that you are the heir to the Wittebane power

-I don't care not until you help me get my friend back

-Well I'll tell you something we'll invite the blight to the party and you can try to fix things


While they talked, Emira also did it with her brothers

-I will be punished for a life for letting me win who would say that my vote would be decisive

-nobody but you're fine

-How do you think I'm the first guy I really like I don't hesitate to ruin my image just to win

-He's an idiot but you love him, it's not like that

-Yes I still want it but I can't show myself weak

-I still think that the best thing is that you get over it, you saw the eyes that she made to wilow, there is really a connection between them

-go away Ed I need to think

What they did not know was that someone was listening to them very carefully, planning their next move.




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