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'Almost 250 years ago today the first expedition left New York heading into the unknown that first expedition led by the Wittebane brothers who founded Gravesfield and today on Founders' Day we celebrate that day'

With this simple speech Philip inaugurated a day in which he and his family were celebrated for this celebration belos carefully planned this new day brought a fair as well as an orchestra not to mention his grand gala which he would celebrate with the richest and most influencers from across the country at night

Belos let hunter enjoy games and fun places during the day in exchange for him to behave and be by his side during the celebration at night

Hunter woke up late that Saturday overwhelmed by the noise and racket below the mansion as he was preparing everything in great detail for the day.

Suddenly his phone rang from him it was a message from wilow

"I know you are busy today but I would like to know if you want to go to breakfast today at the owl cafe at 10:00"

It was almost 10 o'clock so hunter answered that message with a resounding yes and then went out quickly to get ready

Finally I quickly go downstairs where belos was and kikimora fixing everything as soon as belos sees him asks him where he is going and then gives him an elegant golden suit with a white cape and a golden mask (the golden guardian suit in the series)

-what's this?

-your gala suit for the night everything will be very controlled and will be very elegant and elitist

By the way, where are you going in such a hurry?

-to see me with a friend

-I see

-I don't interfere much in your life but I want you here before 8 at that time the party begins for the real guests the town can enjoy the attractions for what they are however you are a Wittebane and therefore you will be here fixing up for that time you understood


-Okay, now get out of the door, there's a lot to go in for the party.

-I'm sorry

Hunter leaves the suit in his room and then rushes off to meet Willow.

As soon as he arrives he sees wilow which fills him with joy and another strange meaning that he does not understand yet

hi willow

-hello hunter you arrived I thought you had left me planted

-sorry I woke up late today the mansion is in chaos because of the whole theme of the party so my uncle let me out all day until the party starts in the mansion

-I see you want to enter

-After You

As soon as they entered they found an Eda and a Luz with the face of not having slept in a month

-You look terrible Light what happened

-well given the case that today is the day of the founders and there is a party in which we take care of the sandwiches we have been cooking all week

- fence and what about vee does not give them a hand

-She is not very busy choosing what to wear to go with Gus to the party

-o fence

-but owww how can I help you today

They both ordered a couple of slices of pie and a coffee at some point in the conversation between the two of them, wilow came up with the brilliant idea of ​​helping Luz and Eda cook

Although Eda refused at first, in the end she had nothing to lose, so in the end she accepted, they spent the whole morning cooking and helping Eda and Luz in the cafe, then by accident, hunter tripped and threw flour on wilow, which started a war of flour and laughter in the kitchen

After that little war, Eda took them out of the cafe so that they would no longer interrupt their work for the day.

With some hunger hunter and wilow ate a hamburger and then looked for where else to hang out decided it would be fun to go to the fair and have some fun

They then went to the fair that was near the pier, they were so focused on each other that they did not notice when they held hands

Only when they arrived at the fair did they realize that their hands were joined, which made them both jump and separate, red with shame.

After a few seconds they decided to send everything to the devil, they held hands and entered the fair together, they visited several stalls, among them one of trinkets where hunter bought a necklace for each one which had a half heart as decoration

Then they went to the stalls where prizes were won, the first of which consisted of hitting a point with all the might with a mallet so that a strength indicator would rise. big stuffed animal which he gave to hunter in a strange moment

This is how the afternoon was based one game after another where Wilow proved to be better than hunter in basically everything

They reached the last position consisted of a fencing battle with one of the oldest champions of that sport

Hunter did not think twice and immediately went in and challenged him in a few minutes hunter had won taking with him a large stuffed bee that he gave to wilow

When the games were over they went to the atrations first the roller coaster where hunter did not detach himself from wilow because of fear then the carousel where they both rode together on a white horse

And finally the wheel was a happy day one like few others while the wheel went round and round both came closer and closer until it suddenly stopped when they looked down a man with a megaphone called for calm the wheel stopped due to a fault

Hunter and wilow didn't bother, the view was amazing from that height so they only talked about the day

-It was a very fun and special day, the truth is, like few others I've had in my life, thanks wilow

-no really this was the best day of my life

-it's boring to think that I'll be alone at night

-Emira won't be there

-I don't think so, she doesn't want to see me, but what about you? You won't go with your aunt.

-It's not very boring for me those parties I prefer this with you

-thank you willow

-you know hunter there is something I want to tell you for a few weeks

Say it, no problem.

-it is just that

Wilow gives hunter a warm look which almost instinctively made them both get closer when it seemed that his lips would meet like his breathing a helicopter suddenly approached interrupting the moment

Hunter saw that he had 40 missed calls from Darius and his uncle when Darius called back.

-what the hell is wrong with you Darius

-What's wrong with you? It's 7:40, if you're not at the mansion by 8, your uncle will kill you.

-I have to go sorry wilow

-no problem hunter

The helicopter got closer and then hunter threw several of the prizes that wilow won for him inside and then he got on the helicopter and then got lost in the sunset leaving wilow with a pending confession




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