Introducing Myself - Leanne Jones

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My name is Leanne Marie Jones. My friends call me Anne. Being an artist in Newyork is one of the hardest professions. But that doesn't stop me from dreaming to become a renowned artist.

When I first told my parents about my decision to be an artist they were upset. Well, upset is an understatement. But they came around. My brother, Luke, was ecstatic that I was following my dream. He was the only person beside my exbestfriend, Chelsea, to know my passion for art.

My parents stayed in the country side of Kentucky. When I shifted to Newyork after I received my degree in Arts, I had dreams of staying in a huge apartment with a balcony overseeing the beautiful city lights. But that dream was soon crushed due to the cost of living. But there is still hope, right?

I met my bestfriend and roommate Hailey of 2 years when I was having coffee at a local café. She was the waitress serving me. I was looking out of the window when she had come for my order. I'd been so mesmerized by the crowded city road that I hadn't noticed she was standing there. When I'd looked at her she wore an amused expression. When I said that I was new and had sheepishly admitted that I'd been mesmerized by the crowded street she outright laughed at my face. Something about her made me want to be friends with her. When she had asked whether I had a place to stay I told her I didn't and she offered me her place. She couldn't pay all the bills with just her waitressing money so I agreed.

The house wasn't at all what I dreamed it would be. 'Messy' can't even begin to describe the condition of the apartment. When I looked at her she sheepishly admitted that she had to work double shifts to make ends meet that she had forgotten to clean.

The next day I started job hunting which wasn't going all to well.

'Experience' was something I lacked. Even after my exceptional grades no one was ready to take a chance with a 'Rookie' as one of the art directors told me.

Hailey suggested that I work as a waitress at the Café till I got any job interviews.

So that's how an artist like me ended up waitressing..
Hey guys.. This is my first time writing a book.. So please correct me if I'm wrong.

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Hugs for all

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