Chapter - 6

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Leanne's POV

After I reached home, I took off my milk-stained shirt. By that time I had become a sticky mess. I should have looked where I was going. And there was that Mr. Angel. He was so arrogant. But he was so handsome with his straight nose, perfect jaw, beautiful pink lips and - well you get the drift, right? He was just so...

"Girl, why do you look like that?" asked Hailey snapping me out of my daydream.

"What do you mean?" I asked her trying to act innocent but I knew she had seen my face.

"Don't lie to me, honey. You have that...that face," Hailey says scrunching her nose.

"What face?" I asked her genuinely confused.

"You have that face that shows that you're.... lovestruck. Yeah, that's the the word I was searching for," she said looking at me for an explanation.

"I'm not lovestruck or anything. It's just..."

She raised her eyebrow. And when I didn't answer she made a 'go ahead' motion with her hand.
I didn't want to tell her. It's not that I don't trust her or anything like that. But she's my best friend and I know her. If I'll tell her about the encounter, she would start planning our wedding.

"It's just what, Anne?" Hailey asked, getting impatient.

The heck. Now I have to tell her. Impatient Hailey is not a kind of Hailey you wanna mess with.

"Okay, so yesterday at the Café...." I told her about the fated encounter - as she put it.

When I finished narrating the whole incident, she started squealing.

"Oh m gee!! You're in love!! We have to go for the cake tasting. I, personally, like the red velvet but it's your choice. And the bridesmaid dresses. And then theme. What do you want? I can ask Sheila abo-" Hailey's rambling was interrupted by me shouting "Stop!!!!!"

She looked me and said,"What?"

"First of all, I'm not in Love. I may have a small liking towards the guy," I said putting emphasis on the word 'Love'.

Then I continued,"second, please stop being yourself for just a minute and calm down otherwise you'll give a me heart attack. And third, stop planning my wedding. I don't even know the name of the guy."

She looked at me and then gave a sheepish smile and said,"Sorry I got carried away."

"Yeah, yeah.." I said waving my hand dismissively.

"But let me tell this; whatever happened today was fate's doings," she said looking at me seriously.

"I don't think so, Hails. I don't even know if I'll meet him again," I told her, feeling happy as well as deflated at the thought.

"Don't worry. When Fate is involved, you just sit back and let the events unfold in front of your eyes. And why do you look happy and sad at the same time when you said you don't think you will be meeting him?" she said in one breath.

"Well, for one, he most probably doesn't even remember me. Second, if he does, then I'll be embarrassed 'cause I gave a pretty bad first impression," I said looking depressed.

"Darling, who can forget such a face. You can scar people with just your face,” she said.

I glared at her.

“I'm joking, I'm joking, your face isn't that bad. And he will remember you. You gave a pretty good reason to be remembered forever. That must've been quite the impression," she said, smirking.

I scowled at her. She just stuck out her tongue.

Yeah, very mature.

"I hate you," I told Hailey sticking out my tongue just like her. After all I'm her friend.

"You know you love me," she said then added with a snap of her fingers, "No... You're in love with- what was the name you gave him, oh yeah- Mr.Angel."

"I'm not in love with him, Hailey," I said, looking annoyed.

"Yes, you are in lurve with him. I know you are," she said, clearing finding my annoyed expression, amusing.

"Drop it, Hailey. It's getting on my nerves," I said and gave her a stern look.

Hailey, of course, didn't stop. Otherwise, she wouldn't be Hailey.

"You're in lurrvvveee...." she said ignoring me.

"I don't want to fall in love, Hails," I said as I sat on the kitchen counter with my legs dangling and my hands on either side of my leg.

"But Anne, this is the first time this has ever happened. Yes sure, you had small liking towards certain people in the past but you've had nothing serious. Heck, you've never even had a boyfriend. Don't you think it's high time for one?" Hailey said looking at my expression.

I stiffened when she mentioned my past.

"I don't think I should have a boyfriend.I told you what happened the last time I liked a guy, didn't I? I shouldn't be even talking about this." I said, feeling tears prick my eyes.

"You don't know for sure that it'll happen again. You need to take risks in love, Anne," said Hailey.

"I took a risk last time and I know how that ended. I just don't want to go through that again. Just drop it Hailey. Please." I begged her.

She finally understood and walked towards her room. When she reached her door she turned back and said,"I hope that you'd just forget what happened. And I really hope that you'd realize that, you're finally ready to fall in love."

Without waiting for my reply, she went inside her room.

I blew sighed and murmured a reply, "I'm never gonna fall in love. Moreover the Adonis of a man won't fall in love with someone as simple and plain as me."

But Fate had different plans for me...


Thank you for reading. Its unedited. Please do point out my mistakes so that I can correct them.

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