Chapter - 4

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Leanne's POV.

"Wow......" I didn't mean to say it
out loud but I just couldn't help it.

The woman who sat behind the desk was the epitome of beauty. Her blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders. Her eyes were blue like the pools which accentuated her facial features. She wore a blue shirt and black pencil skirt. She looked amazing. Totally professional. Suddenly I felt out of place. I shouldn't have worn the bangles.

She looked up and smiled at me, holding up her hand. "Ms. Jones, I presume?"

I smiled back at her and shook her hand. "Yes. Ms. Downing."

"Let's begin then," she motioned me to sit.

**After an hour**

The interview went quite well. Much better than I had imagined it. Gabrielle read my résumé and was impressed. She had asked whether I had brought any of my art pieces. I didn't. But fortunately for me, I had pictures on my phone which she looked at. She said it was good but I had to try harder for the exhibition. She gave me pointers and also gave me a number of a painter who could advice me.

I didn't mind getting advice. Actually I was ecstatic to get advice from the one and only Alfredo Bellucci.

Alfredo Bellucci was a well known artist. And I've always admired his work. His work was diverse.

I had to start my work the next day. According to Gabrielle, there was a studio in the basement that I could use. I obviously jumped at the opportunity.

Finally I had a studio of my own!!!! Even if it was temporary.

I even did a small dance when Gabrielle wasn't looking.
Yeah.. I'm cool.


I reached home at around 11 am. I decided to work at the Café for the last time today. I had taken half day from work for the interview. Mr. Walter was not too happy but he just scowled and said its a going- away present. Even though he looks grumpy, he is actually quite a softie at heart.

Once I reached the Café, I tied an apron and started waiting tables. Hailey was given counter duty today so as soon as she saw she mouthed we'll talk later. With a quick nod directed towards her I got on with my work.

My shift gets over by 6 and it was 5:57. Just three more minutes and I'll be done with working here. I was looking at the clock.

Dang it. Why is the clock not moving fast?! C'mon move!!!! Move move move move...

When it was 5:59 I took my cloth bag from the counter. I was waiting for the clock to reach the 12. Just as soon as the hand hit 12, I took off my apron. With a huge grin I started to walk towards the door.


Fudge my luck.

I knew that voice all too well.

"Ye...s, Carly?" I said, dragging the e.

Carly was also an employee at the Café. She was a good person. But there was one problem. She always found reasons to start her shift late; at least by 15 minutes.

"I know that you just got off your shift. But can you please stay for another 20 minutes? I really need to go to the washroom. I'm not feeling well," she requested.

"I really.. er.. can't, Carly," I said trying to make excuses.

"Please Anne. Pleeeease..," she pleaded.

Defeated, I said, "Okay, but no more than 15 minutes."
After all today was the last day of my job as a waitress. The least I could do was to help someone in need. Though I doubt she's in need.

Her eyes lit up and agreed, "Okay. Thank you so much Anne. I owe you one."

She went towards the washroom. I sighed.

I knew something was gonna go wrong. Call it women's intuition. But I just had the feeling in my gut.

'Either it's women's intuition or a very bad case of acidity.' Apparently, my mind had a mouth of its own.

Thirteen minutes went by slowly. Just two more minutes and I'll be free of this job. My women's intuition ('Or acidity.' I swear sometimes I just want to kill that voice) was going to be proved wrong because nothing wrong had happened.

You can't kill me. I'm the voice inside your head. I'm invincible. *Laughs Evilly*

Seriously??! Shut up!

As I was having an internal battle with myself, the door to the Café swings open and the bell rings.


Suddenly, the whole café turns silent. This silence was intriguing; like a pin drop silence.

I looked up and my jaw dropped to the floor.

"Holy sh.....," Damn.

Muahahahahahah (*evil laugh*)
I'm so evil. Sorry about the cliffhanger. I had to do it. Another chappie done!!!!! I'm so happy.
So.. Correct me if I'm wrong anywhere.

And don't forget to comment and vote!!!!!!

Love ya


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