Prom dress (Cesar Torres)(fem)

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((Welcome to the first chapter! I hope that you enjoy this! I had this cute idea while I was in the shower and decided to write it out! All art in this book belongs to me!
This chapter contains some name calling kinks. If that's not your thing, I'll have more stories for you!!))

You couldn't even think about it. Your senior prom was over three years ago. You nearly had to stifle a laugh as you went through old yearbook photos.

That's when you saw the picture of you and Cesar, voted as prom king and queen.

The two of you have been together since your junior year and have been living together since you both graduated

"Cesar! Look what I found!" You boasted as you walked into the living room where Cesar was watching Tv.

He looked at the photos and smiled softly. "Of course we got voted. We were the most attractive couple there anyways." He teased slightly.

You rolled your eyes and closed the yearbook, thinking for a moment. "I think I still have my prom dress in the attic somewhere.." you mumbled more or less to yourself before kissing Cesar on the forehead before walking to where the attic was

You weren't particularly fond of the attic but you wanted to find that dress. You shined the flashlight around the dark space, and that's when you found it

It was a light (f/c) ball gown style dress. You gasped and pulled it down from the attic. You quickly and quietly went to the bathroom and put it on. It still fit as perfect as the day you wore it to prom.

You wanted to surprise Cesar with it. You remembered just how excited he was, dancing with you and watching you spin in the puffy gown.

You walked out of the bathroom, slowly approaching Cesar. "Guess what I found?" You asked in a sing song sort of voice.

He turned his attention to you and went wide eyed, pausing the television. He was stunned with how gorgeous you looked in the gown that fit you perfectly.

"You look amazing, (y/n).." He almost whispered before getting up. "I think I still have my suit inside my closet.."

He walked over to your shared bedroom and you followed him. It didn't take long before he found it. It was a plain black and white tuxedo with a red bow tie and red corsage.

You turned around to give him some privacy as he put it on, but you heard him quietly mumbling and cursing to himself. You turned around and noticed that it looked like he was having some trouble with the corsage.

"Need help?" You asked as you took the corsage from his hand and placed it on the lapel of his coat. Just like you did back in your senior year.

You looked at him and smiled, kissing him softly. "You look as handsome as the day we met." You whispered

After a few laughs, you two decided to walk to the living room. Cesar had pulled up some songs that played at your prom night and began playing them

Once you heard the first song start playing, he bowed and held his hand out.

"May I have this dance?" He asked, looking up at you. With a smirk and a small laugh, you nodded, placing your hand in his.

Your free hand went on his shoulder, while his gripped your waist, not too tight, but firm enough to know that he was holding on.

You two danced in that living room just like you did on that one night, spinning in circles and smiling the entire time. How could you have been so lucky to end up with someone as good of a guy as Cesar is.

Meanwhile he couldn't keep his eyes off of you. The way that the dress followed your every movement and they way you kept on smiling. He was absolutely in love with you.

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