the day i met you

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"Join the gym for the summer, she said. It'll be fun she said." Kara muttered to herself, recalling the moment her sister, Alex, wanted Kara to get a membership to their local gym in National City. "This is not fun, this is not fun at all. I don't even need to work out. I'm an alien." Kara thought to herself as she struggled on the treadmill. "Wow, wouldn't expect a woman so fit as you to be struggling." A certain raven-haired woman said approaching Kara.

Kara looked up with a glare on her face, but it quickly softened once she realized how beautiful the woman was. She'd never seen anything like her. "Is this your first time here, gorgeous?" The woman continued, and Kara blushed. "I- y- yes actually. My first time." Kara stuttered out.

"Mind if I show you around...?" The woman paused at the end of her sentence pointing to Kara for her name. "Me- K- Kara. Kara Danvers." Kara said. "Cute..." The woman said circling around Kara, clearly intimidating the blonde woman. "I'm Lena, Lena Luthor." Kara's spine shivered as the woman revealed her name- her last name specifically.

"Maybe i'd have been better off leaving my last name a mystery?" Lena questioned Kara, coming to a complete stop in her steps. "I- it's just..." Lena stopped Kara from continuing. "I know, my family- they're bad. Actually, that's quite the understatement." Lena began. "I'll leave you alone, Kara Danvers." And so Lena walked away.

Kara would be lying if she said she didn't want to see the woman again. She liked her aroma, and her vibe. She was mysterious, yet a person Kara wanted to get to know.

Kara eventually gave up on trying to work out for the day. She knew she'd be back tomorrow though, which she dreaded. She began to walk home, (which wasn't very far), as she decided to get a coffee from noonans. She walked toward the building and opened the door, and there the woman was again, sitting in her chair with her laptop in front of her. Kara made her way to order, and as she was waiting for her drink she began to think.

Kal would kill me. Wanting to befriend a Luthor hasn't been in the cards for a while now. Or maybe I could keep it a secret. Kara thought and whispered to herself , "Why am I even considering this. She could be bad. Really, really bad. But then again, maybe she needs a friend?"

Kara got her coffee, and decided she'd give Lena some company. "Hey, Lena." Kara said approaching the dark-haired woman, slightly nervous. "Kara." Lena began. "I thought you wouldn't like to see me again. You know- after I revealed my last name." Lena said in one breath, afraid of Kara's response. "Don't worry, Lena. I judge people on their own merits. So, if you don't have anyone else joining you here, i'd like to have coffee with you." Kara suggested. "I have no friends here in National City, so, sure you can sit." Lena said motioning toward the seat in front of her.

"So tell me about yourself, Ms. Luthor. You seem so... mysterious." Kara began the conversation.
"Well... I love traveling and taking photos, I love doing french braids in my hair, I love compliments, and I like women." Kara flinched at the last part, though she was not sure why. "Your turn." Lena said. "Oh— okay. Well, I love traveling as well, though I don't do it as often as i'd like, i'm a reporter for Catco magazine, I love potstickers, I love the Wizard of Oz, I love Greys Anatomy... and I do not like women." Kara said and Lena's eyes widened a little bit.

"Really? You aren't attracted to women in any way?" Lena meddled. "I- I've never thought about it, it's never been an occurrence." Kara muttered nervously. "Well... You could've fooled me, Ms. Danvers. Though it was very nice to meet you, I must get going. I'm only here until the end of the summer, and I have a lot of work to get done. I hope to see you again, Kara." Lena stated, packing her things and shaking Kara's hand. "B-bye." Kara said as Lena exited the café.

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