safe and sound

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What the hell is wrong with her? Lena thought running millions of tests on Kara. She was one of the best scientists on earth, but she was afraid this was out of her level of expertise. She was even more afraid of losing Kara.

Kara's veins were no longer glowing green. "Well that's a start." Lena muttered to herself. Lena had an IV hooked to Kara.

She had came to the conclusion that the green substance was what caused Kara's episode. Knowing it's best to keep the substance away from Kara, she studied it in her office, so she wasn't too far from Kara if she coded.

She'd realized that the substance was not an earth element. She'd almost felt like she'd seen the substance before. "Come on think, Lena." She whispered to herself, hoping for something to uncover the truth.

Lex immediately came to her mind. Superman. She thought. His veins were green when Lex was torturing him a few years back. Lena was befuddled. How could this substance affect Kara and Superman? Superman's Kryptonian and Kara's human. She thought.

Soon after, realization flooded over her. "Unless, Kara's- an alien." Lena muttered to her self, her breathing picking up. This cannot be possible. This can't be kryptonite. Could it? Lena thought.

She decided to take a DNA sample from Kara. She was anticipatingly waiting for the results. She had so many questions. Supposedly, Superman was the last Kryptonian. If Kara's a Kryptonian- does that mean they could be related? Lena had so many questions.

Then the signal came that the DNA results came back. Lena rushed over to the machine, which read- alien. Lena's eyes raised wide in shock. At first she thought she was seeing things. She looked over to Kara, so peacefully resting. She noticed how beautiful she was with her glasses off. Her questions could wait, so she let Kara get her rest.

"You look lonely." Lena teased Kara as she walked into the lab. "Come fix that." Kara responded, smirking, which sounded like she was flirting, but Lena brushed it off.

Lena walked over to Kara's bed and sat in a chair. "How are you?" Lena questioned Kara. "A bit groggy. Unaware of the last events, which brings my to my question: why am I here? All I remember is passing out on your couch." Kara admitted. Lena sighed. "Kryptonite." Lena began. "What?" Kara asked in horror. "A package was delivered to my office- which had kryptonite in it. I'm sure you're familiar with the unearthly substance. It's from Krypton- your home planet." Lena breathed.

Kara's eyes widened. "You- you know..." Kara said in disbelief. Lena slowly nodded her head. "I just want you to know that I wanted to trust you on this- I wanted to tell you. I trust you with everything Lena, but I was just too afraid of losing you." Kara said. "What do you mean?" Lena asked. "I was afraid if I told you I was an alien you- you wouldn't want to hang out with me anymore. That's the last thing I want. But I understand if you want an out. Or if you think that i'm disgusting." Kara said, tears streaming down her face.

Lena's face was concerned. "I'd never think that of you, ever! I don't care if you're human or not, you're still my Kara." Lena reassured Kara. Kara couldn't help but smile. Lena wiped the tears from Kara's eyes.

"Lay with me." Kara spontaneously suggested. She wanted to know how it felt to be in Lena's arms. Lena blushed, a ton. She climbed into Kara's bed and cuddled into her. Both the woman felt an endless amount of butterflies. Lena's heart was racing faster than it's normal rate, which Kara heard. It was like cloud 9. There was no one else in the world but Kara and Lena.

Then Lena's phone buzzed. Lena groaned at the sound. Then it buzzed again, and again. Lena just ignored it. "Who is that?" Kara asked in a envious tone, but Lena didn't notice. Lena knew who it was, but she wanted this moment. "No one." Lena replied, pulling Kara tighter.

Kara was worried it was a girlfriend of Lena's. "No, answer it. What if it's an emergency." Kara was desperate to uncover the truth. Lena finally gave in and opened her phone. Kara caught a glimpse of Lena's phone, which read 3 text messages- one being 'Are we still going on our date tonight.'

Kara wished she hadn't read it. "You- have a girlfriend?" Kara questioned. Lena turned to look in Kara's eyes. "I— yes." Lena said, concluding Kara's theory. Kara was fuming on the inside, but she had to atleast pretend to be happy for Lena, right? She wished she had just kept holding onto Lena. "Oh." Kara replied partially not knowing what to say. "You're not mad?" Lena questions. Kara felt hurt. As if she lost a relationship she never had. She'd never felt anything like this- and the comfort Lena gave her- Lena's smile- her emerald eyes- she loved it all.

"No, i'm happy for you." Kara said trying to put on a smile and not get lost in her thoughts. Lena decided she wanted to hold onto Kara for a little longer. She placed her phone down and cuddled into her once again. Home. Lena thought to herself. This was the safest Lena had ever felt in her entire life. What are you doing to me, Kara Danvers. Lena thought. Both the womens' feelings were growing stronger as they melted into eachothers arms. Kara even wondered if this was what love felt like. An endless amount of caring for someone.

The only reason Lena had gotten a girlfriend was to take her mind off of Kara. But, that could never work, she could never stay away from Kara- or stop falling for her. Kara's soft skin and lips- Lena wanted to feel on her body. "You should go get ready for your date." Kara suggested, trying to get rid of the blush on her face and the butterflies in her stomach. "I'll cancel. I'd much rather be here with you." Lena said. If Kara didn't know any better- she's assume Lena had feelings for her and not the woman she was going out with. Which she did- but Kara didn't know that.

"No. Go- have fun. I have to go home and take a shower anyways." Kara said trying to plaster a smile on her face. She needed to break down, alone. She hated that Lena made her feel so many things- because she knew she could never had her. "Okay." Lena gave in, wanting to give Kara space.

Kara arose from the bed first, and began putting her shoes and glasses on. "You know, you should keep your glasses off more often, you look even more beautiful without them." Lena flirted. Kara blushed, and took her glasses off. "Thank you." Kara muttered and walked out of Lena's lab.

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