Your Joking

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  Pulling up to my dads house I can see he was home, but Bella was also home. I had a bowl of spaghetti sitting in the passager seat. Letting out a sigh I climbed out of the car and was met with a smiling Alice. Rolling my eyes I reached back in to my truck for the bowl as she started talking.
  "I heard the great news. Congratulations I just wanted to say I an so sorry about everything and I was wondering if you need help planning your wedding. I froze still leaning into my truck at her word before letting out a deep growl and turning to her. My body shaken. She gasp and took a step back as I took a threating step forward before stopping and closing my eye and taking a deep breath trying to get my self under controle. 
  "What going on?" Bella asked as she followed Edward out the front door who rushed at a human speed to his sister side.
  "Alice back up" He said pulling her back as they watched me with wide eyes as I open my eyes setting a glare on them. "Soray despises us now. She blames Bella and us for Harry death." I let out another growl.
  "Do not even speak of his name or I will tear you piece from piece. I stepped forward and Bella steps in front of them making me let out a chuckle as a evil smirk appears on my face.
  "Bella not a good idea" Edward says as he pulls her behind him and Alice.
  "It's not their fault Soraya it non of our fault." Bella said making me roll my eyes.
"Why was they in the forest in the furst place Bella? If I recall it was because you went into the forest and decided to tell day about the wolves. Who gave hik a heart attack? The very vampire who is out for revenge because they killed her mate to save pathic little you. So yes it is their fault but more so your fault. I hate you Bella so I suggest you take your vampires out of my site so I can spend tike with my dad and make sure he eats, and you Alice have nevers to even ask that. The Cullen are not invited to my wedding and neither or you Bella and it will be on the resort" Edward ease Bela back and grabbed Alice arm. I walked passed then and into the house and was greeted by dad who I handed the bowl to. He smiled and gave me a hug.

"Hey sweetheart how are things going with the planning I know Alice mention she like to help?" He said making me give him a look.

"Sam and I have everything cover with the help of Leah and my bridesmaids. That family is not invited to my wedding and neither is Bella no if ands or buts dad" I said as they entered.

"Thats not fair I am your sister." Bella said.

"You have got to be joking? You? My sister? The very person who has made my life a living hell since she moved here. The person who pushed me out of my home blaming me for your mother and dad not working out. Who has treated me like shit when all I have ever done is try to help you. You really do have jokes don't you." I had spun around and face her.

"Ok your playing it up. I did not push you out of the house or treat you like crap." My jaw drop and eyes widen at her words.

"Girls!"Dad said as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"No dad I am done with her games. I was nice to you. I let you use my truck that I rebuild I gave you the damn truck after you took over it. I am done hand me my keys." I held my hand out for the keys.
  "No it is my truck." She said making me chuckle and walk over to my dad safe he kept in the living room for me and put the code in. I moved my 9 mil off the paper work.

"You either hand me the keys or I the cops since dad is off duty. Everything is in my name. Title insurance. So you either hand it over to me now or I will return with Uncle Hayden and you will have no say. Either way I am taking what mind back. You a narcissistic bitch Bella. You have hurt me and dad over and over yet all you want is pitty. Oh pitty poor little Bella who parents split. Poor little Bella has to share her daddy with someone else poor little Bella has to move in with her father and her horrid half sister who has time and time again tried to help her!"I started moving closer to her with every word I spoke and Edward tried to pull her back but I could see I was pushing her buttons. Poor little Bella can't live with out a man by her side or all attentions on her. He fucking left you in the fucking woods! He didn't care! Yet me and dad was here every step of the fucking way. We watch you give up because of a little boy. It was because of you Uncle Harry went into the woods because of what some giant wolf you think you saw. Yet a human foot print was found. News flash Bella you wasn't suppose to be in the woods to start with. You was asked to stay out of the wood. Not one damn wolf was found. If it was a wolf the body would have been mauled to pieces." Tears started rolling down my face. "Your pathetic Bella and you will not bring drama to my day and make it about you. This is going to be my day that I marry the love of my life who has proved to me time and time again he will always always be there for me. Even as a stranger he was more there for me then my own sister ever was. He was their for me in my worse and my best. He has never left me he never abandon me or hurt me. Uncle Harry help raise me Bella after your mother ran away. She choice to leave not dad she choice to take you with her and leave me who at a young age didn't know she wasn't my mother left me to think I wasn't good enough. That all I was worth was her walking out that door right there." I pointed to the front door. " and no offence to dad at all I wasn't the one who made a mistake of sleeping with someone else, but it wasn't his fault either Bella. Your mother was at his throat wanting to leave way before we was born. He knew that. He saw that and it hurt him. My mother even with her problems was by his side. She was there to pick the broken man up and she also stepped back when it was found out that your mom was pregnant for you. She knew in that time she wasn't in the best place and she also knew that Dad could not fix his marriage if she was around, but she also  knew that dad would not be able to live with his self if he was not in my life." I looked to my dad who had tears in his eyes. "He will ways be my hero for never giving up on me." I looked back at Bella who was also crying, but I didn't care. "And you keep breaking my hero heart. Do and say what you please to me but you have been messing with my family. Lets not even start on what you are doing to Jacob. When that asshole left." I pointed to Edward. "Who was by your side. You led him on and broke his heart to and still hurting him. He at my house every day moping because you just ran back to him. No more not around me I don't want you in my presence. I don't want you in my life. So yeah Bella I am being very fair when I say you are not invited, because it better then me beating the shit out of you. I just can't do that to dad because he loves you. So back the fuck off and get out of my buisness. Hand me my keys and get out of my fucking site." My last words came out as a growl as the front door openand Devin walked in. Thats when I held up my phone that I had by my side. I knew I was losing control and I knew it couldn't happen in front of my dad. I knew Sam was on patrol I called Leah who I assume sent Devin because she would of killed Bella her self. "Thanks Leah he just arrived I will see you shortly." All I heard was a growl which I assume ment in the mix of everything she shifted but stayed near the phone. So I wasn't to surpise when Sam also stood in the door way. I ran to him and he wrapped his arms around me tightly letting me breath in his scent.

"I got you babygirl I got you." He said as he held me close and rand his hand over the back of my head as he held me close.

"I have the truck papers. I apologize cheif we going to take her home now. Can I please get the keys." Devin asked nicly but you could hear in his tone he was not happy.

"Give him the keys Bella. Yall take care of my girl please and none of this cheif crap Charlie. I will see you later sweetheart thanks for dinner." He walked up and kissed my forhead as I was still in Sams arms.

"But dad!" Bella try to say but he just gave her a look until she handed Devin the keys.

"Devin grab the whole safe that all hers" He nod and put the papers in the safe beofore closing it and picking it up. Sam lead me out the house and to my truck while Devin put the safe in the other truck. I glance toward the truck and could see the pack with in the forest watching as we pulled out of the drive.

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