Bella depression

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The months following Bella getting lost in the woods she fell into a deep depression. To the point she was not living just going through the motions. Get up go to school come home sit at her window all day sleep wake up with night terror. My dad would call me late at night not sure what to do and talk to me for a while.
"Dad I don't know what to tell you, but maybe what will help her is hang on the guys just walked in. HEY ASSHOLES I AM ON THE PHONE!" I yelled as the three walked into the house.
"Sorry sweetheart" Sam said with a chuckle as he gave me a kiss. I was standing at the stove cooking dinner.
"Set the table food will be ready soon. Sorry dad I am back" I could hear my dad chuckle on the other end making me blush and roll my eyes. "As I was trying to say it might be best to send her to her moms. Depression is hard to handle and she got so attached to Edward so fast. Don't get me wrong me and Sam got attached pretty fast also but got to know each other with her it was like she saw him and that was it. It was kind of unhealthy. A girl can not just put her happiness in a guy. You touch those cupcakes Jared I will throw something at you." I scolded not even looking at him making the other and my dad laugh.
"How do you do that?" I ignored him as I got back to my dad.
"A girl has to know how to make her self happy on her own dad. Though I love Sam and I love being here with the boys I also know I would have to keep going on if something ever happen. She does not have that mind set. So maybe her mom can help her. At one point she was happy with her and she wouldn't have everything that remind her of him around her." My dad was silent for a few as I motioned to Sam to grab the food and bring it to the table that they had set. "Need me to bring you some food?" I asked him as Sam set my plate down in the place I normally sit. My sell phone was on my shoulder where I had my hands free.
"No babygirl it's ok and I talked to her this morning she said she going out with a friend today. Maybe she will start getting better I will talk to you later ok go eat. Love you"
"Love you to dad." I hung up and nod to the boys they can make their plate giving Sam a small kiss. He gave me a look making me giggle before pulling me into a deeper kiss making Paul and Jared groan and me to bust out laughing as Sam kisses me all over my face and neck before pulling my chair out. Once I set down he made his plate and set next to me. Over the last few month I had stop working but 2 days a week at Sue most the time I am running around in the woods with the guys cooking or at my dads or Prants spending time with them.
"Your sister still depressed?" Jared asked mako me look and nod.
  "Yea I mean don't get me wrong I would be lost if anything ever happen to Sam but I would let other help me through it. She has just shit down." I said with a shrug of my shoulder Sam placed a hand on my thigh to sooth me some I looked up and gave him a small sad smile. He gave me a quick kiss making me smile.
  "You never have to worry about anything like that I am not going any where" he kissed my forehead before he went back to eating. We talked about random thing the rest of the meal before my phone rang agains. Of all people Bella old friend was calling which made me confused.
  "Hello?" I asked as I answered before she started ranting.
  "Look I know you don't like me we have had our problems but your fucking sister is insane. She just got on a random guy motorcycle. He could of killed her." My eyes widen at her words making me stand to my feet and start to grab the dishes as I talked.
"What the hell are you talking about Jessica?" Sam took the dishes out of my hands and kissed my forehead.
  "I got the dishes love" he said making me send him a smile and nod.
  "Who was that he sounds hot?" Jessica said making me remember why I could not stand her. I growled making the other two look up at me.
"None of your damn business now what happen with my sister." I said harshly
  "Uh we went to the movies and when we came out we was talking about it. Zombie movies are so wrong if.." I cut her off telling her get to the chase. "She saw some guys across the streets said she thought she knew them then walked over got on a bike and took of with this random dude and came back saying how that was such a rush. Look I have to go bye" she hung up as I through my phone Paul caught it before it hit the wall over his head.
"Chick I am the one with anger issues remember" He said with a eye roll that just made my anger worse Sam pulled me out side where I went wolf. I am sure they didn't asked because they heard what was said on both end with our hearing it wouldn't of been hard at all.
  "Easy love" Sam said standing in front of me with a hand out . I whimper and head butted his hand letting him know I was calm making him step closer and let me. I gave off a Wolfie grumble as I closed my eyes and leaned into him almost making him fall. He laugh and pushed me slightly making me laugh though it sounded weird as a wolf he kissed my forehead and pointed to the woods. I moved behind him and pushed my head against his back.
  "Ok we will go for a run" he said with a laugh as he jogged to the wood and stripes before changing to his wolf form I watched him the whole time and before he transformed he send me a grin. "Enjoying the view?" I wagged my tail sticking my tongue making him laugh before transforming and coming up and running against me before I took off running. We ran in silence just enjoying each other company before running back home. Once we was near the house the boys went wolf and took off while we changed back and got dress going into the house. Sam ran me a hot bath before going finish the dishes. Once he was done he came back into the bathroom and set next to the tub as I relaxed. He laid his head on the side of the tub giving me this grin as I blushed and let out a giggle.
"Nothing your just beautiful" he said as he ran his thumb against my cheek. "I love you" I smiled and leaned in giving him a kiss.
  "I love you to now grab me a towel" he chuckles and stood up grabbing hm me a towel helping me to my feet and wrapping it around me. It is moments like this I love the most between me and him.
  The next day I drove over to Prants and hung out over there all day. Jacob was still on this no talking to me stage and it really bugged me when not only is he my cousin but also we was raised together.
Around 1 in the afternoon when I was leaving I heard Bella truck pull up. I looked at Prant confused and he just shrugged his shoulders.
  "Well then any way I will see you later hope you both enjoy the left overs."
"We will sweetheart thank you" He said and kissed my cheeks. Walking out I was able to see the bed of Bella's truck where two run down motorcycles where sitting.
  "So what Jessica told me must be true" I called to her as I set my stuff in the truck. I could hear Jacob sigh and I am pretty sure he rolled his eyes.
  "She called you? It was just a misunderstanding." Bella said glaring at me.
  "Yea I am sure it was. Not the fact you have lost your damn mind and is turning into a adrenaline junkie just to feel something because that asshole left. News flash Bella it is not the end of the world." I said as I slammed my truck door and started it before pulling out. Once I got home I was in a pissed off mood and the guys could tell. While Paul and Jared used it as a excuse to go patrol while Sam pulled me onto his lap and ask me what happen.
  After that it seemed like every day Bella was over at Prants. Her and Jacob was back in the garage working on those bikes. A few days ago Embry changed and join the pack. A red head was found running around on our territory which seems to be why more is changing even though the Cullens left. Sam been having me keep and eye on Jacob since I go to Prants a lot.
Lucky for Prant I was there the night he came home from the movies that he went to with Bella and her friends. When Prant said on thing that all it took and I was shoving Jacob out the house.
"STOP PUSHING ME!" He yelled getting in my face.
  "Prant!" I calle snack as I spun around so my back was to the woods he kept stepping towards me.
  "I am on it dear" I heard before I pushed Jacob to the point he fell to the ground and ran. Next thing I heard his clothes ripping and knew he transformed so I did the same. He landed on my back knocking me off balance making me growl and jump up at him. We was rolling around fighting when Sam showed up. He let out a deep growl as he stepped between us snapping at Jacob when he try to get around him.
  "Don't even think about it" Sam told him in Alpha tone. "Sweetheart go home I got it from here." He told me I went into the woods and changed back walking pass them. Sam was making a circle around Jacob staying between me and him as I passed running my hand over his fur.
  "See you at home." I told him.

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