Date and annoying sister

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I woke up to a empty bed and groan as I stretch out. I heard a chuckle at the door making me sit up fast a smile forming on my face as I relaxed back into the bed and looked at Sam who was doing the same as he leaned against the door.
"Good morning sweetheart" my only respond was to hold my arms out to him which made him laugh and make his way to lay next to me. I snuggled into his side and closed my eyes. "Go back to sleep it is still early" he pulled the covers over us as I started falling to sleep as he ran his hand through my hair. After a few more hour asleep I woke to Sam trying to untangle me making me pout and him gives me a kiss as he slides out of the bed. "Sorry love the boys are almost here you can go back to sleep." I sighed and set up the blanket falling off making him sigh. "I will tell them not to show up so early tomorrow."
"Its ok but I am not cooking breakfast" my cell started ringing and I picked it up. It waa only like 9 in the morning. "Hello?"
"Hey uh its Bella have you heard from Jacob" I made a weird confuses face as Sam watched me and listen with a raises eye brow.
"Its 9 am Bella for one and for two parant told you Jacob has mono did he not?" She sighed and hunged up. I rolled my eyes as I stood up out of bed and went get a shower half way through Sam joined me in the shower and kissed my shoulder as he pulled me back against him.
"Don't forget I am taken you out tonight." I smiled and leaned against him. After our shower I climbed out of the tub and got dressed making my way into the loud living room as I did so.
"Can we all go for a run?" I ploped down on the sofa and looked around. The only one we was missing was Jacob.
"How bout the day after tomorrow is your birthday. Its storming out there pretty bad today so we can do it then?" Sam asked as he handed me a cup of coffee. I nod my head and stood making my way to him moving to where I was leaning against him as we stood in the kitchen. He wrapped his arms around me pulling me closer to him as I laid my head against his chest holding my coffee cup between us he chuckled and nuzzled his face against my neck before leaving a kiss.
"Love you"I whisper even though the other could hear. He placed a kiss on my lips before saying it back. I yawn making him chuckle and slightly push me towards our room taking the coffee cup making me pout.

"Go asleep more I will wake you by noon for you to get some lunch we will leave around 3 for our date." I steped forward and gave him a kiss before going curl up in bed again.

My phone rang again around 10 waking me up making me groan as I pushed my hair out of my face. Reaching for my phone I answered it rudly.

"What!" I could here Bella smack her lips and I am sure she was rolling her eyes.

"I know you and Billy both lied to me. He doesn't have mono, because if he did he would not of just been running around shirtless in the ran. He says we can't be friends. Why do you always have to ruin my life? I know your..." At that moment I hung up and growled as I threw my phone. Sam rushed in and placed his hands on my cheek lightly shhing me as I was shaking. When I looked into his eyes my body started to relax as he placed his forhead to mine.

"Don't worry about her ok. Jake told us she stopped him and I heard. Lets get you some food in your tummy ok love." I sighed and nod before making my way out of bed. Once in the kitchen no one said a word to me, knowing I was on edge. Jared handed me a plate with what looked like a breakfast burrito on it and kissed my cheek. Jacob set at the table  looking down at his own plate and as I passed I rubbed his shoulder letting him know it is ok. I am guessing Paul and Embry was on pratrol.

"At 3 I want you two out on our border I will relief yall at 9" Sam said to the boys who nod. "Her phone is shattered so while we are out I will be getting her a new phone." Jacob pulled out his wallet.

"Its covered" I said shaking my head. "You woke hard fixing people cars here and there for your extra cash. We made sure to have full coverage on our phones after a few got broke." He nod and put his wallet away.

"Warning don't carry your wallet around." Jared said qith a chuckle.

Once 3pm came around I walked out the room wearing all dressed up. Sam gave me a bright smile and kisses my cheek.

  "You look beatiful ready to go" I smiled and placed my hand in his that he held out to me. Our first stop was to get me a new phone before we went to this fancy little place about a hour away.
  It was all adorable and perfect we laugh and danced and ate. He looked amazing in his black pants and is white dress shirt.  The date was perfect down to qalking along Lapush beach barefooted. It was around 7pm when he turn to me looking kind of nervous. I was unsure why.

"Soraya since I met you my world has been so much better. You know I am horrible at words. I love you and I can't see my self with out you by my side." He got down on one knee making me gasp and tear up as I cover my mouth in shock. He pulled out a beatiful ring sand held it up. "Would you do me the honor of marring me."

"Yes yes Sam" I said making him smile and grab my hand sliding the ring on my finger. He went to stand up as I jumped to hug him knocking us both into the sand with a laugh. A joyful howl rang from the woods letting me know the biys where watching as my lips meet with Sams.  We laugh and looked towards the woods before standing to our feet and walking back home.

  We laugh and looked towards the woods before standing to our feet and walking back home

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