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"Kitsch. Why don't you shift in here?" Yalex asked while staring at the dragon. The others whipping their attention to the young boy immediately.

"He's right. If you shift, you can destroy this entire prison and get us out!" Ysabella agreed as she looks at her brother with fluttering eyes.

"I can do that. But won't that kill you all? I could end up squeezing you all here as I shift!" Kitsch said worriedly.

"We only lost our power to teleport ourselves out of here. We can still create a shield for ourselves so you won't crush us to death." Coleen says and the others nodded in agreement.

"Okay. But if I shift in here. I will not be just destroying this prison. But also the entire Meiliaros. And destroying Meiliaros would mean destroying the citadel that is built on top of it. That's a total of thousands of elves dead. And maybe more than that." Kitsch explained and looked at Yvel to hear her opinion.

"So? Why must we care if they die?" Samuel asked with spite that caused a brief silence to the primes.

He sounded different. It's as if all the kindness that lives in his body decided to take a leave and left his dark mind behind. His cruel mind and heartless decisions.
It's a side of him that Samuel always hates. Because even though his own bad side never failed him, that side of him makes him look bad and cruel. Like someone who is not a fan of mercy. Just like Yalex.

"Let them all die here. It's the only way to remind those snakes that they messed with the wrong people." He added and stood up to walk towards Kitsch.

Samuel's face held no emotion other than anger and hatred. A face that Yalex always wanted to see. But now that he did, it makes him feel awful.

"If we do this. Then there is no going back. We'll be making it easier for the people to believe that we are the traitors." Blue muttered.

"They already believe that! So what's the point of staying here?! They've shown who they really are! A simple word from their serpent queen is all it takes for them to be deceived! Why else should we stay when they already made their choice!?" Rhian scoffed at the angel.

She too have the same expression as Samuel with a very valid reason. Rhian is completely angry to the bones without any restriction. And all she wants right now is elf blood and especially the head of the cunning queen.

"Go ahead. Get us out of here Kitsch." Yvel ordered.


Eros and Tanya are currently gathered at the main hall of the citadel. Along with the rest of the leaders of the Arcadia. Discussing the right punishment for the said traitors.
In the midst of their private conversation, the floor began to shake. Everyone immediately ran outside to check what's going on and they saw the entire foundation of the citadel shaking.

The guards rescued the leaders as quickly as possible. And the sooner that they got out, they watched as the citadel was tear down into shambles while a giant dragon continued to emerge. Many elves are sure to have died and buried alive. Because of the dragon who showed no mercy and destroyed both Meiliaros and Citadel.

The dragon flew up to the sky. Some of the Primes who can't fly are there riding on his back. And when he made it out, the rest of the primes who can fly followed after him.

The Primes fled away to Kades. However, before they could totally disappear. Eros commanded the Cin armies to tail after them.
But before they reached to cross the border, Blue and Coleen showed no mercy and killed everyone that attempted to tail after them. No one was able to follow when they passed the border.

"This is an outrage! How could they destroy Meiliaros knowing how much it means to the people!?"

"They are the traitors!!! It should no longer be a question why they did that!"

"The Primes are always reasonable! They must've had a reason why they did it. We should have heard them out first before caging them!"

"Cut off your senseless remarks! Those people are only putting up a scheme! They are in your head now! Wake up!"

Eros and Tanya listened and watched as the leaders divide their sides. Fighting and yelling at each other after the home of the elves is destroyed.

"Our King! What do we do about this? Meiliaros is your sacred home. We cannot just let the Primes go because of what they did for Arkos. We must make them pay for commiting a big crime!" One of the leaders said while lowering his head.

Eros was quiet for a bit and turned to look at his wife. She simply nodded her head before the King decided to speak.

"First. Let us rebuild a new and stronger Meiliaros! And then let us search for them in Kades. Anyone who brings me their head shall receive a great prize but remember! Leave their leader alive and bring him to me!"


"I can't believe we did that!!!" Rhian couldn't stop laughing the sooner Kitsch brought them down in Kar-Thal and finished shifting back to his human form.

They are aware of what they did and its possible consequences. Or that they are now labeled as fugitives to their own people.

"I know! It's awful! But it's also cool!" Kitsch agreed as he too was laughing his heart out. He didn't think doing things like this can be really exhilarating.

Before, they are the one chasing the bad guys. But now, they are the one who's being chased which happens to be a bit fun and more exciting in their perspective.

"Samuel. What do we do now?" Yalex asked their leader noticing that he's the only one who's quiet and sitting on a corner.

"Shouldn't we find your children first? They might use them against us. We must get to the kids before they do." Yvel suggested and Samuel only shook his head in response.

"Don't worry. My kids are probably safer than us. Remember that no Arcadians have ever set foot on earth before. Only I knows the portal and even if they find it, they won't be able to cross without my permission." He said in a quiet manner.

"Then what do we do now?" Yalex asked again.

"I think it will be better to just leave... There is nothing else left for us here. The people have their new leader now and even if they fell into the wrong hands, it's no longer our concern. They already betrayed us. I don't think I can still attempt to help them." Yvel stated with a sigh as she helps Kitsch to fix his clothes.

"I agree. Maybe it's finally time to come home. I mean back to our first and real home." Ysabella agreed and looked up to Yalex with a genuine smile.

The idea of going back to earth suddenly makes her feel quite excited.

"Yeah... You're right. It's better to come home... But... it's just us now... If only Trevor and Jade are still alive..." Coleen mumbled and her eyes began to well up upon remembering Trevor and Jade.

In her heart, the primes are no longer complete as a team. It's like a big part of them are taken away and they will never be the same again.

"Samuel. What's your decision?" Rhian asked and they all turned to their leader anticipating for an answer.

Samuel sighed in response and gave them a sad smile.

"Let's go home..."

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