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"This is so pointless. How long have we been walking here looking for them?" Coleen huffs as she stops walking. The other stopping to look at her.

"Maybe we should just wait now. Looking for Ysabella and Yalex in this place is like searching for a needle in a haystack!" Yvel adds and sat on a nearby boulder.

Samuel lets out a sigh as he too is finding their search rather pointless.
A demon must've seen them and are now playing games with them so they won't be able to find the other two.

"I'm hungry." Kitsch pouts as he cross his arms.

"We'll eat when we're done here." Yvel says and tried to fix the stray hairs on his forehead as she leans close to his face. Leaving a chaste kiss on his lips.

"We probably should rest for now. I'm pretty sure an army of devils are waiting to ambush us and this might be our last rest here. Am I guessing that right Samuel?" Coleen chuckled and Samuel responds with a light laugh.

"That's definitely possible." He said and decided to sit on the ground.

They waited there as said. And after atleast half an hour...

"What's wrong?" Kitsch asked as he noticed the sudden frown on his rider's face.

It doesn't look like a simple frown. She looks like she's in pain.
Yvel could feel her heart clench and she found it hard to breathe and speak. Coleen tried to heal her but it didn't work.

"What's happening to her?!" Kitsch exclaimed as he carefully held the goddess on his arms since she could no longer stand on her own.

"Samuel! Is she alright!? Please tell me she is!" The boy added as he looks to Samuel with panicked and hopeful eyes.

A few moments later... Yvel regained her strength and was able to breathe properly again. When Kitsch asked her if she's okay...

"I-I'm good... I didn't know why that happened!" She says. "It doesn't make any sense." Yvel added and looks at Kitsch, assuring him that she is okay.

"What do you mean it doesn't make any sense?" Coleen asked, having confused with her statement.

Yvel looked at her. And then to Kitsch and Samuel.

"Well. I felt it once. When my mom died. And then I never felt it again. Which is completely weird because I have no family members left alive." Yvel explained, her face looks totally confused.

"I'm sorry..." Samuel suddenly said it out of nowhere with a look bewilderment. The three immediately shot him a questioning look.

"F-for what?" Yvel asks cluelessly.

Samuel bits his lip as he squints his eyes close. He didn't think this is how she will find out.

"Even before the primes began the first phase of the mission. Rhian conducted her own investigation about you with the help of Trevor and Blue. For others, no one would suspect just because you and Rhian are both using Sate as your last name. But for her, as someone who have killed every possible sibling. She couldn't let you pass unscathed."

"Without further help from Trevor and Blue, Rhian learned that you two are half-siblings. While she and her mother were killing her other half-siblings. You were still in your mother's womb at the time. When she joined us and realized that you are the last family she have left, she decided to protect you."

"Secretly. She asked me not tell anyone because she wanted to find the right moment to tell you herself..."

"W-why are you telling me this now?" Yvel's voice were shaky as her eyes continues to well up with tears.

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