Chapter 1: A Cold Opening

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We open inside a forest as the members of team CRDL walk through it "hey guys, guess what I found out" said Cardin "what is it Cardin?" said Sky "I found out that Jaune had faked transcripts to get him into Beacon" said Cardin "wait really!" said Dove "yes, and after we come back I'm going to expose him for the liar he is" said Cardin "but didn't he save your life?" said Russel "well sure but he still doesn't belong in Beacon I mean he didn't even know what aura was or how to fight, I always knew there was something up about him when he first came here and now I know he never should've come here" said Cardin "is this because he stuck up for that rabbit Faunus when we were teasing her?" said Sky "no, because Beacon is meant for people who can become hunters, people like him are loose cannons who will likely get his team killed pointlessly and the fact he's leading a team makes me question the logic of professor Ozpin, and he's not the only one that bunny is also useless in a fight as all she can do is take someone's semblance and hope for the best and that Ruby girl is useless without her weapon though Jaune is the worst out of all of them and as soon as we get him put in the place he deserves to be in then things will be better" said Cardin as we see two red eyes peering through the bushes as a large figure jumps up, does a summersault and drop kicks Cardin into a tree "what the-!" said Russel as the 3 look to Cardin as he falls to the ground and then back at the figure who stands at 10 feet tall covered head to toe in hulking silver armour with light blue lines coming down it with its design being like a military officer crossed with Darth Vader as cold air comes out of the vent on its face like it was breathing out as the 3 decide to attack but are quickly and violently made to make out with the dirt as they are slammed head first into the ground as Cardin (somehow) gets up and looks at the figure "what the hell are you?!" said Cardin as the figure grabs him by the throat and picks him up to eye level "I am a hunter looking for my most dangerous game and no amount of you protector are going to stop me" said Cornel Chill as he violently headbutts Cardin and knocks him out cold as blood trickles down the boy's face as the Cornel then tosses him to the ground and then begins walking through the forest. Soon the team is found and put in medical care for the second time that month as we see Ruby Rose and Jaune Arc walking down a hallway in Beacon towards Ozpin's office "so what do you think Professor Ozpin needs us for?" said Ruby "I have no idea, but whatever it is it must be important" said Jaune "if this is important I doubt he would've asked for you" said Cinder Fall as she leans outside of the door to Ozpin's office "hey!, don't be mean Cinder" said Ruby "it's fine Ruby I didn't mean it, mostly" said Cinder "well that's some progress at least" thought Jaune "come on let's see what he wants" said Cinder as the three walk to the door and Cinder knocks it "come in" said Ozpin as the three enter the office seeing Ozpin sitting at his desk "what's up professor?" said Jaune "well there is a problem we're facing, please sit down" said Ozpin as the three sit down in front of him "what kind of problem sir?" said Ruby "well I assume you are aware with the state of team CRDL" said Ozpin "let me guess, you want us to find the people responsible for beating them to hell and give them a high five" said Cinder "well yes and no, I am aware none of you have any respect for team CRDL and yes I am aware of their reputation however who was responsible for this is far more of a threat than you're thinking" said Ozpin "what do you mean?" said Jaune "well I was thinking you'd find it hard to believe but I then remembered you 3 and your teams had experience with other worlds" said Ozpin "what are you talking about" said Ruby looking around the room nervously as the other two looked nervous as well "I am aware of you lot and this Death Battle show you got out of nowhere from another world, at least that's what Glynda overheard team CFVY and SSSN talking about" said Ozpin "I told you to keep it between us you idiot!" said Cinder pointing at Ruby "I'm sorry!" said Ruby scared and putting her hands up in defence "it's alright you three, I understand that you felt the need to keep it a secret and at the very least you lot watching that show might help with this issue" said Ozpin as Cinder puts her hand down "how come?" said Cinder "well last night a being from another world came to me and explained how two beings from his world are now here, two elementalists who are apparently looking to fight each other" said Ozpin "and that's bad because?" said Cinder "if they do so the being says their clash would end all life in Remnant" said Ozpin as the students sat shocked "how?" said Ruby "according to the being they both share a technique that if used against one another at the same time, which the chances of that are likely, then Remnant and everyone in it will die" said Ozpin "so what are we suppose to do?" said Ruby "well after learning of this the being left and I brought up how you 3 and your teams had experience with beings like this through the show you've all watched and while Ironwood wished to do it the old fashioned way but me and Glynda were able to convince him otherwise, so what we want you to do is to locate one of them and to see if you can find any weaknesses we can exploit" said Ozpin "um Professor Ozpin, I get you want us to help but-" said Cinder concerned "don't worry Cinder you only need to observe them if you can and to not engage them, unless you're not given a choice in the matter is that clear? 'the 3 students nod' good, we'll get things ready for you to go out to where we last saw one of them in the meantime you should inform your teams 'the 3 agree and begin to leave' oh Cinder, don't worry about Amber she's stronger than you know" said Ozpin "ok, thank you sir" said Cinder as the 3 leave Ozpin's office "hey, what do you think Ozpin meant by the old fashioned way" said Ruby "obviously bomb 'em till their ash, which if they are as tough as that being says would've just pissed them off" said Cinder "oh" said Ruby as we cut to the 3 going back to their dorms as Cinder enters hers to see her team with Emerald Sustrai, Neopolitan and a brown haired girl with a ponytail wearing a red shirt, black leather jacket, blue jeans and black shoes as she notices Cinder enter "hey sis" said Amber "hey Amber" said Cinder "what did Mr Ozpin need you for?" said Emerald "well turns out there's people from another world here in Remnant" said Cinder "wait you mean like how that box of Death Battle DVDs but it's actual people!" said Amber "yes 'Neo holds up a sign saying good guys or bad guys?' bad guys" said Cinder as Neo held up a sign saying oh "how bad are we talking?" said Emerald "apparently bad enough that if they do what they want everyone in Remnant with die" said Cinder "WHAT!" shouted Amber and Emerald as Neo held up a sign saying what in caps and an explanation mark at the end "sheesh should I have worded it differently" said Cinder taking her hands off her ears "ya think, you don't just say everyone's going to die if these two are loose" said Emerald "yeah especially since we have to fight them" said Amber "we're not fighting them Professor Ozpin just wants us to find and observe them" said Cinder "and how will that help?" said Emerald "well he believes since we've been watching Death Battle that we'd figure out if they'd have a weakness since its a very analytical show" said Cinder "that kinda makes sense" said Amber as Neo held up a sign saying so what are the bad guys? "well Ozpin said that they are a couple of elementalists one has ice and the other has fire" said Cinder "is the fire one better than yours?" said Amber "what of course not don't be ridiculous" said Cinder quickly "ok" said Amber weirded out by her step sister's sudden answers "wait if one of them is ice based and the other is fire based then shouldn't the opposite element be their weakness?" said Emerald "right, so we just trick them into fighting each other, right" said Amber "good guess, but actually no 'Neo holds up a sign with a question mark on it as she and the other two have confused looks on their faces' as much as I would've loved it to be that easy it can't happen the reason those two are here is because they want to fight each other and if they do there's a chance they'll use an attack that if they use at the same time will be the thing that wipes out everyone, either that or they'll just destroy everything by fighting" said Cinder as Neo held up a sign saying well f*** "language!" said Amber snatching the sign and throwing it on the ground as Neo held up a sign saying sorry with a sad face "it's ok Neo" said Amber as Neo spun the sign around revealing a smiley face "ok I suppose for the meantime we just prepare for when we go out to find them" said Cinder as the three agreed and we cut to later on as the teams head out going into the emerald forest as it was the last place either had been found with each teams going off into 3 different directions as we focus in on team JNPR walking through the forest until Ren finds something "hey guys look!" said Ren as the rest of the team go over and see what looks to be the aftermath of a battle between the ice elementalist and some Grimm and clearly the elementalist won as they see Grimm that had very brutal deaths with Beowulfs in pieces and an Ursa having been ripped to pieces by multiple ice shards "well while we might not know the full strength of this elementalist we do know how brutal they are" said Pyrrha "damn, and not a single broken leg" said Nora as Jaune looked nervous which Pyrrha notices "Jaune are you ok?" said Pyrrha "oh yeah I'm fine" said Jaune "are you sure, you look nervous" said Pyrrha "yeah, just these guys aren't really what we're used too and I don't think we're ready for it" said Jaune "I know but remember we don't have to fight them we just need to find them and see if there's a weakness we can exploit so you shouldn't worry and besides it's likely that their weaknesses is the opposite element" said Pyrrha "wait if we already know the weaknesses then why don't we just go back?" said Nora "because it's best to find out where they are so that the military can deal with them, besides I thought you said you wanted to break their legs" said  Pyrrha "well yeah I was just curious" said Nora "so where do we go from here?" said Ren "not sure?" said Pyrrha when Jaune noticed something "hm" said Jaune as he walks towards the ground "what is it?" said Pyrrha as Jaune moves a small bush and finds a 4 ft patch of ice in the shape of a footprint and then sees a trail of them heading in the same direction "I think I found one of them" said Jaune as the others go to him and see the footprints "great work Jaune" said Pyrrha "thanks Pyrrha" said Jaune smiling causing Pyrrha to have a small blush which she hides quickly "so we just follow these" said Nora "yep, though it might be a good idea to find the others, Ren can you do that?" said Jaune "alright" said Ren "be careful Ren!" said Nora "I will" said Ren as he went off into the forest going in the direction he remembers Cinder's team going as JNP follow the footprints as we cut to team RWBY who are following the same trail of footprints "don't you think it seems a bit too convenient that these footprints are being made?" said Blake "I mean yeah but I don't think that this guy would be making footprints on purpose" said Yang "still, this feels too easy" said Blake "even if it was on purpose Weiss does have fire dust in her weapon so we should be fine" said Ruby "what makes you think that?" said Weiss "well since we're after the ice one they should have a weakness to fire and since you have fire dust it should be good" said Ruby "I thought you said we didn't have to fight them?" said Weiss "well yeah but if the worst case scenario happens you're our best bet, aside from Yang's semblance" said Ruby as Yang smirked "well I don't have much experience using my other dust so it won't be all that much help" said Weiss "too be fair you wouldn't be called the ice queen if you were spraying fire everywhere" said Yang when the girls suddenly found themselves at a clearing in the forest and in front of them is a seemingly abandoned warehouse "what's this doing here?" said Weiss "don't know but the footprints lead here so this must be where they must be" said Ruby "so let's go inside" said Yang as the other 3 look at her "why?" said Blake "well if you think about it they must've gone in there to relax a little so if we go in there and surprise them we'll be able to use Weiss's fire and beat them" said Yang "and if we don't beat them in that time?" said Weiss crossing her arms "well we can probably overwhelm them at least" said Yang "how?" said Blake "well given the size of those footprints this guy is likely some big guy who can't move around so easily while we're small" said Yang "what" said Weiss "she has a point we're all able to move around easily not to mention our semblances can help, petal burst allows me to move in a blur, not to mention Weiss's glyphs can make all of use move quicker and can stop the elementalist in their tracks and Blake can make clones of herself so with that in mind it would be easy to overwhelm them" said Ruby "well now that you mention it that is a good strategy" said Blake "yeah that not so ice guy won't even know what hit him" said Yang as Weiss grimaced "Yang if you're going to start making ice puns I'm leaving" said Weiss "ok chill, that wasn't a pun" said Yang "well puns aside I do agree with the strategy" said Weiss uncrossing her arms "so we're doing this?" said Ruby as the other agreed and the team quietly head into the warehouse seeing that footprints are inside reassuring them that the ice elementalist went inside but what they also noticed is that unlike outside the air in the warehouse was so cold they could see their breath which caught them off guard but they got over it and quietly moved around the warehouse until they heard some metal clanging from above where they were followed by someone humming "that's got to be them" whispered Blake "ok let's all find a position and when I give the signal we get him" whispered Ruby as the others nod but just as they start moving Jaune suddenly appears in front of Ruby and the two scream loudly getting everyone's attention as Pyrrha and Nora find the group and Weiss storms towards the two and slaps them over the head "shut up you dolts!" said Weiss angrily "ow, Weiss what was that for?, also you should be quiet" said Ruby "it doesn't matter now because thanks to you and this waste of space the elementalist likely knows we're here" said Weiss "hey" said Jaune sadly as Nora transforms Magnhild into it's grenade launcher form "say the word" said Nora "not yet, Weiss is the only one here with fire dust on hand" said Pyrrha "fine" said Nora disappointedly as she reverted Magnhild back into a hammer "what are you three even doing here anyway?" said Weiss "well we followed these large ice-y footprints to this warehouse and Nora went in wanting to break their legs while they weren't paying attention and Jaune ran into Ruby" said Pyrrha "well even if we lost the element of surprise, we still have a strategy that may help us win" said Blake when a deep Russian voice bellowed out with a laugh which echoed throughout the warehouse and made everyone bring out their weapons in a defensive manner as the laughing came to an end "is this it?, is this all this world can offer, bickering moronic children I should let you know, I've faced true heroes capable of far more than what your minds can fathom and it took no less than their best to bring me to heel so to put it simply, you all are outmatched by a substantial margin but know that I Cornel Chill am not completely without mercy I shall grant you a fighting chance, prepare" said Cornel Chill as silence filled the area for 5 tense seconds then a large heavy footstep was heard and then another and another each sound echoing throughout the warehouse like the cornel was omnipresent and moving all around them like a predator circling its prey all the while RWBY and JNP were looking around with even Yang being nervous as the footsteps continued until they just stopped and for 15 seconds it was nothing but silence before the sound of a wall breaking rang out and then nothing indicating that the cornel had left the building as Yang calmed down a bit "huh I guess with all that talk about fighting us he just left, guess he was scar-" said Yang turning to the group when suddenly a large figure crashed down behind her and she turned around to see a 10 foot tall metallic behemoth standing there then looking to see some kind of energy in his hand which Ruby saw too "EVERYONE MOVE!" shouted Ruby "snow sheet" said Cornel Chill as he fired the attack.

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