Chapter 4 (Finale): Shadow Demon Showdown

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In the last part Amber had discovered the identity of the voice she followed revealing it as the shadow demon Shadow Blank who explained not just who he is but also who Amber is as the result of someone from her universe tethering her universe to his universe called the creatorverse which caused her universe to be changed into an alternate timeline where she exists and certain people lead very different lives most notably Cinder, Emerald and Neo, however she also learns that he wishes to destroy her world as penance for Yang winning against Tifa Lockhart in Death Battle (yes really) and plans to use Cornel Chill and the fire elementalist Pyronica to do so and low and behold Pyronica shows up having sense the fire shadow blank had done earlier and so to past the time would fight Amber and Amber with newfound determination would do well against her until shadow blank helps Pyronica win, however as Amber is at her lowest Pyronica soon takes pity on her as well as not wanting to hurt innocent people as the cornel would arrive somehow having healed from the damage dealt to him and ready to brawl, how will this battle go and will Amber be able to save her world, both questions will be answered now.

We open where the last chapter left off as the women look on nervously as Cornel Chill steps to the arena "so Pyronica, we finally meet face to face and 'sees Amber' oh I see one of the annoying children is with you, I can only assume that you two have joined forces" said Cornel Chill "you're damn right and I'm not-" said Amber when Chill fired an ice blast sending her flying into the right side of shadow blank's commentator desk nearly hitting the shadow demon and covering all but her head in ice "my apologises my dear, but I cannot let you interfere any more now, I've waited too long for a true battle" said Cornel Chill as Pyronica looks back before back to Chill "I'm sorry Amber but there doesn't seem to be another way out of this, so I'll try to end it as quickly as I can" said Pyronica to herself as she got into a battle stance and the cornel got into his own.

'play battle music 1 now'

"FIGHT!" shouted shadow blank as Chill rushes at Pyronica and throws a punch which she dodges and the wind from that punch blows into the faces of the two onlookers knocking shadow blank into his chair as he chuckles and Amber looks worried as Pyronica delivers a burning kick to Chill's side which makes him groan in pain but didn't affect him as much as Cinder's fire and thinks he may've held back against them as Chill then fires an ice blast at Pyronica knocking her back but Pyronica stops herself and summons a geyser of fire from underneath Chill and burned him "MAGMA TORENT!" shouted Pyronica as she shot out multiple magma balls at Chill who is bombarded with them "ICICLE RAIN!" shouted Cornel Chill as he fired several icicles which arced overhead and went down towards Pyronica who put up the burning barrier to block them with them melting a mere foot from the shield as Cornel Chill ran to her "ICE BREAKER" shouted Cornel Chill as he coated his fist in ice before smashing it into Pyronica busting through her shield and decking her in the face and sending her flying before summoning an ice wall to stop her "snow stomp" said Cornel Chill as he stomped the ground sending a shockwave of snow towards Pyronica which launched her into the air as he then flew up and grabbed her into a bear hug but Pyronica turned on her burning barrier which got him off of her as she then hit him with a few gut punches before coating her arm in fire creating a gauntlet of flames "HEAT SMASH!" shouted Pyronica as she smashed Chill into the ground of the arena hard enough to nearly shatter the whole thing as Pyronica floats there she creates two cannons with fire and blasts him with them causing a massive explosion which he jumps from and grabs her leg before slamming her onto the ground and then stomping her twice before causing a geyser of ice to sprout out of the ground under her but then a shockwave of fire erupts from Pyronica which knocks Chill backwards as Pyronica coats herself in full flaming armour as she charges in delivering a knee to the cornel's head before grabbing his face and smashing her knee into it 4 times then pushing his head down and jumping on it clearly having enough of him as Chill punches her off and Pyronica stands 30 feet away from him as she charges a orb of pure heat in her hand as Chill does the same but with ice.

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