Chapter 4

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I felt a huge stroke of jealousy mixed anger and disappointment. Yeah, Yelena was one of my best friends, and I wanted her to have some happy moments, but deep down, I also had a massive crush on her. Natasha noticed my shocked face, and dragged me away to the corner of the room.

"Hey you ok?" she asked worryingly 
"I'm fine."
"Ophelia, don't lie to me. I don't think you are. Seriously. Lena probably didn't want to, Kate got on to her. And they were both drunk."
"Who told you this was about Yelena? Could be something else."
"Oh come on it's obvious you have a fat crush on her. Anyways, you should go talk to her."
"No, it's ok, if she'd like to be with Kate, than that's completely fine. I just want her to be happy." I said, and left for my room

"Ophelia?" I heard Yelena ask through your door
"Come in." I said sourly
"I don't like her. I pushed her away."
"Ok, and...? You know what's best for you anyways"
"Cause I like you." she said, and kissed me on the lips

Her soft lips met mine perfectly, and I led her to the bed, were we both continued the kiss, just bathing in all the love we had for each other, not wanting to break off, but having to for air.

"How about we just hang out here for the rest of the night?" I offered
"Sounds like a plan." she smiled
We watched movies, chatting while they played in the background. She eventually fell asleep, so I turned off the tv and laid down next her, wrapping my arms around her. The next morning, I woke up before her, but it was early, so I stayed in bed with her. She was just so pretty. I softly rewrapped my arms around her torso, and she brought her arms closer to herself, locking me in that position

"What time is it?" she asked sleepily
"It's 8:30, but you can go back to sleep, its our day off."
"Ok..." and she went back to sleep

I snuggled into her neck and also fell asleep, waking up again at about 9:00 am, this time actually waking Yelena up too.

"Ok, we'd better get up now Lena."
"Fine" she mumbled

I kissed her forehead to wake her up fully, and she blushed.

"Well, I'll get back to my room to get ready, meet up at 10?" she said, still profoundly blushing

I threw on a casual t-shirt and leggings and headed to her room. She came out and we headed down to the living room.

"Finally awake you two?" asked Steve as you arrived
"Yep" I said as Yelena poured some cereal into her bowl.

Once again, Natasha pulled you away.

"So how was the night with my sister?"
"What do you mean?" I asked innocently, knowing full well what you did
She simply smirked
"Fine, we watched some movies and fell asleep"
"Ok, just go back with your girlfriend." she laughed, shooing me away
"She's not my girlfriend... yet."

I went back and ate with Yelena; after that you just sat on the couch. Kate walked soon after and there was an awkward silence, broken by Thor putting on some music. Yelena and I left the tower to take a walk around New York, as she hadn't visited yet and you didn't have the time to do so while training.

"This all so pretty!" she exclaimed while looking around the busy city landscape.

After a few hours of visiting, we headed to a Subway to eat lunch. She ordered a meat sandwich and I ordered a veggie sandwich.

"So, Ophelia, what are we?" she asked
"What do you mean?"
"Best friends, friends or girlfriends?"
"Well, what do you want us to be?"
"Girlfriends? Best friends is fine too."
"We can be girlfriends" I said, and pull her in for a kiss.
"Yeah, that sounds nice" she says when I pull away

We headed back to the tower and to her room to just chill. Yeah, chilling, more like kissing. And then, Nat walked in on us kissing half naked. She looked at the two of us for a moment, and then left saying

"Better lock the door next time."
"Man that was embarrassing." I said once she had left, blushing profusely
"I don't care" she laughed "Let's resume." 

I very much enjoyed your day off, having fun with the other team members too. The day after, it was back to regular training.

I know it's pretty early in the story, but I'm not the best at writing fanfics. I hope y'all like it, more to come <3


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