Chapter 5

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I was pretty excited today because it was Yelena's first mission, after 2 months here. She would finally be able to show off everything she knew, and sooner or later, Fury called a meeting to discuss it.

"We have two missions: One of will be lead by Tony and he will be joined by Ophelia, Peter, Kate and Sam. You will have to stop an illegal substance from reaching its' destination. Second, led by Bucky, includes Natasha and Yelena. You have to investigate an abandoned hospital who might've been used by Hydra."
"Ok. Follow me team, we'll start to get ready." said Tony, leading us all to another room.

I didn't have time to say goodbye to Yelena, so when w were heading to the destination in the jet, I sent her a quick text: 'Hey Yelena, good luck on your mission!'. After about 15 minutes of flying, we landed on site and started looking for the suspicious people. Kate found them, so she shot a tracker on one of them, and we split up into pairs to follow. I teamed up with Kate, and Peter went with Tony.  Kate paralyzed one with an electric arrow, and I tied him up. The other one hit me, but I quickly hit him back and tied him up too. Peter caught the last one with his webs, and Tony used some of his fancy tech to knock them unconscious without them getting hurt, grabbed the illegal substance, and taking everything back to S.H.E.I.L.D.

"Good job team." said Fury, as he retrieved the captives "The other mission could take up to two days though, so you four can go back to training now. But rest first."

I didn't want to rest, so I just went to one of the training rooms and just punched the punching bags for about 3 hours. It was best to work on my strength when I was bored. After that, I took a shower and rested on my bed, missing your girlfriend. I just scrolled through our pictures together.
Throughout the two days of her absence, I didn't have much to do so I mostly trained, and talked with Wanda, a long time friend.
On the morning of the 3rd day, I heard one of the jets land, so I rushed towards the landing pad to go see your friends. Natasha & Bucky got out, but you didn't see Yelena...

"Hey Nat!" you greeted the redhead "Where's Lena?"
She didn't say anything, just looked at you with a pitying look.
"Nat... Where is she?"
"I'm sorry Ophelia, they took her. We couldn't do anything."

I stared at her without saying anything and went back to my room. I packed a quick bag and headed to Yelena's room, grabbing her black hoodie and putting it on. I left without any of them knowing to get back Yelena.

I took my car and left for the hospital the mission had taken place in. It was empty and in ruins, but you saw no sign of people. I looked around: destroyed beds, broken medical equipment. On one of the messy desks, I saw a sheet of paper, and it read the following:
'Day 1 in this wretched place. It's so dirty and smelly. I wish I could've gone on the other mission with Ophelia. At least I'm here with Nat. We haven't found anyone yet. We'll see tomorrow, and tonight, we've got to sleep here. We each take turns keeping watch. It's 4 am right now. Anyways, let's see what happens tomorrow. -Yelena'
I held the letter to your chest, knowing that a few days previous, her warm hand had traced over this letter. I grabbed my flashlight and explored the deserted place. Going to an upper level, I found yet another letter:
'Day 2, we found people. Nat tied them up and apparently they were Hydra agents. We asked them about this place, it was used to experiments on children, like they did to Wanda and her brother. We're continuing to as-' and it trailed off.

Hope y'all like this chapter, love y'all <3


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