Chapter 7

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She left me to rest, but since I can't feel the pain, I just get up and leave.

"Hey hey hey go back to your bed; you should be dying from pain right now, how can you even walk???" asks Bruce, stopping me
"I told you, I can't feel the pain."
"That's exactly why you must stay in bed, you could injure yourself without knowing, and it could be irreparable."
"Fine." you mumbled, and Wanda came in to help him study you
"I wonder if it gave her powers?" said Wanda
"Maybe it did, I don't know"
"What?" she asked, confused
"You just said 'I wonder if it gave her powers?', so I answered"
"Ophelia, I thought that. In my head."
"Well, I think we found one of the things the stone did. You can apparently read minds."
"Oh god. Please, can you not tell the others yet?"
"Alright, and I'll help you manage, don't worry. Now let's see what else there is."

She continued some tests, and throughout the day, and I found out I could read people's minds and not feel any pain. Deep down, it kind of made me feel like freak. I didn't like having these strange powers.

"Well, like it or not, we know what you can do now."
"Thanks Wanda. Glad we found it out."
"I think you can go back to your room if you'd like." said Bruce

I got up, headed not to my own room, but to Yelena's instead. She had given me the key, so I opened and went in.

I came in, but the room was empty, and I heard the shower running, she was probably still showering. She came out a little bit later in a towel and I rushed to hug her.

"Hey love" she said
"Hey Lena"
"What did they find?" she asked

I slightly hesitated, scared about what she might think about me, but told her anyways.

"I can read mins and not feel any pain. You probably think I'm some kind of weirdo right?"
"You've got to stop thinking I won't stay with you if you change. I'll always like you, no matter what you look like."
"I love you Yelena" I said, looking deep into her beautiful green eyes
"And I love you, Ophelia"
"Anyways, I'll go back to my room now."
"Are you sure you want to do that?" she smirked, dropping her towel to the floor
"I think I've changed my mind!"  I laughed, blushing profusely

I healed pretty quick, and were allowed to go back to training and I enjoyed it, even my power training, as it was going pretty well, Wanda was a huge help. Yelena and I were practically inseparable.  There were many parties, including one tonight. We were in my room, watching a movie since there was still quite some time before it started. Yelena went downstairs to grab some water, but she was taking a lot of time so I decided to go there too. Arriving there, you heard a conversation and stayed behind the corner, curious at what they were saying.

"... I know you want me." said a voice I recognized to be Kate
"I don't Kate, I don't. I only love Ophelia."
"C'monnn she doesn't have to know. It'll be quick" she smirked, getting closer
"Go away!" yelped Yelena, taking a few steps back "Stop pushing yourself on me."

I quickly read Yelena's mind, and the only thing there was images of us together, so you smiled.

"Why won't you just break some rules, like you always do?"
"This is a rule I'll never break. Cheating is one of the worst things to do. I'm leaving, and don't try this again."

I ran back to the room and waited for her to get back. When she did, she looked pissed.

"What happened love?" I asked her, knowing full well what happened
"Kate tried to hit on me! I pushed her away of course."
"Honestly she's crazy. Although, we've got to get ready for the party, it starts soon."


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