The letter

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Chapter 8

After I came out of the bathroom I went to change, put my fuzzy coat on and left the house. Weirdly enough I didn't feel weird anymore. Before I felt this weird thing in my chest like I couldn't breathe properly and my stomach was holo but now... I feel fine. I went outside to search for clues because one of the things the police officer told me was that maybe the black figure was someone. She relised that she started seeing this black figure also after someone died. So I went outside because I sew that this person, thing, whatever it is, it keeps appearing in public. Its like they really want me to seem crazy to other people. But the weird this is that now...I don't feel like anyone is following me. I don't have that weird feeling. I go to the police station again and... the lady wasn't there. I asked if she is gonna be there today and...the man told me that no one named Elisa worked there for 18 year. *well I couldn't even dream about her because she quit when I was born*I thought. "Why did she stop working?" I ask. "She gave birth so she couldn't work anymore." gave birth? This seemed pretty weird for me because my moms name was also Elisa but I didn't think a lot of it because maybe it was just a coincidence and also my mom worked as a cashier her whole life. "Did you know her? Elisa?"     "yes, we were actually really good friends" he said with a voice that you can hear the pain in. "What happened? Why aren't you friends anymore?"         "Well..." the man said with a visible tear forming up in his eye. "She actually died three months ago in a car crash" the man saw a very obvious shock on my face. "Is there something wrong young lady?" the man asked with an actual worried face on. "What did she look like?" I asked with a shaking voice.  "Well" the man said while opening a small drawer. "Here" That- that was a picture of my mom and him. But how??? My mom always told me she worked as a cashier. "that's my mom..." I say while a tear dropped on the photo. "Natalia?" He said with tears in his eyes. I smiled and he got up and hugged me. "How are you doing? How have you been dealing with all of this?"      "Its been really hard but I'm holding up" I say with a slight smile. Well after all of that happened it was already night so I just went home. While walking to the door and searching in my bag for the key I see a white paper on the rug outside the door. I pick it up and go inside. I don't think much about it so I go to change in my pajamas and go on the couch. I put my blanket on and start the tv but my curious mind is still thinking about what could be on that letter. I  lean over to the table and get it. It has a stamp of a bug which I thought was funny but also really weird. I open it and inside is this little card with this horrible writing. it had black chock like stains and a weird smell to it. I tried to read the unknown writing and it said "Its me honey, don't be scared, I'm sorry for the bathroom thing but ill always look after you bug ❤" Bug?? That made me feel many ways, confused, weirded out and uncomfortable. Like only my dad used to call me bug and who would have known about the bathroom thing? I only told the lady that I apparently didn't even talk to cause she was my mom and honey?? Once again that's how my dad called me. I was really confused but I ignored it and went back to watching tv until I fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2022 ⏰

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