The Fighting Business

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Chapter Five

The Fighting Business


It was more than luck that caused all the arrows to hit Malker instead of me. I could sense which archer was about to kill me, and a split second before he let loose, I muttered the curse I was taught. That archer's luck turned, and his arm spasmed, causing him to miss his mark. The rest of the arrows pierced Malker's mail, impaling him in the chest and killing him instantly.

"The elf is still alive!" yelled one of the bandits.

Sure enough, I could see Falven get to his feet, raise his arm and shout in elvish. A ball of flames shot out of his palm, flying across the arena and exploding near the dwarf and Braga who were still fighting.

Since the beginning of the fight, the haft of the dwarf's axe was weakening and now, combined with an upward swing and a sudden explosion, the axe snapped in half.

I quickly cursed the lieutenant, and time seemed to slow down as the head of the axe spun through the air and sliced into his side. The lieutenant looked at me, eyes wide, as he slowly toppled into the arena near Falven.

The fact that both of their leaders were dead, Falven alive, and their invulnerable champion covered in a cloud of dust seemed to daunt the bandits. They paused, and in that time Falven managed to grab the bow and quiver from the lieutenant. It was already late in the day, and the inside of the arena was cast in shadow, giving him the advantage of visibility.

Now on top of the arena, I could see that we were inside the forest. I quickly ran for the nearest cover. The bandits assumed that I was like them, a coward trying to save himself, so they paid me no mind. Besides they had a more pressing issue, Falven had started firing at them from within the arena. As two bandits were struck and fell into the arena, I threw my last throwing dagger. This was the last straw for the bandits. They weren't in the business of actually fighting, let alone dying. Sending arrows and oaths of vengeance in my general direction, they started to flee.

An enraged roar from within the arena told me that this wasn't over. Hurrying back to peer over the side, I could see the dwarf standing over Braga, choking him. An arrow seemed to suddenly sprout from dwarfs backside, and he turned around, eyes locking upon Falven. Falven fired more arrows as the dwarf advanced upon him. Yet the dwarf somehow managed to deflect them with his bare hands. Desperate, Falven knocked two arrows at once. As he let them fly, one headed for the dwarfs face which was caught. However, the second arrow dipped downward, straight into the dwarfs bared um.. well you get the point. The howl that escaped the dwarf's lips was wonderous to behold. Yet it was cut short, for a sharp rapier pierced his ear and came out the other one.

I would have cheered had it not been for Braga's deformed smoking body down below. Falven ran over to him and started muttering. I knew that even if Falven possessed healing magic we must first wash away the acid. I rolled a small barrel of the mead the bandits were drinking into the arena. There was no time for me to find the proper entrance to the arena, so I jumped down. Bringing my legs together and slightly bending my knees, I able to land and roll without additional injury.

I poured the mead over Braga's throat and exposed chest. The acid had eaten through his black cloak, leather armor and the fur that seemed to cover him from head to toe. I didn't see how he could survive such an ordeal, but Falven seemed confident he could heal him. Putting his hands on Braga's head, as if to give him a blessing, he closed his eyes and concentrated. More mutterings, and then a wave of golden light passed over Braga, closing his wounds and expelling more of the poison. Braga's eyes flickered open, focusing suddenly on Falven he growled: "Next time you blow me up, I chop your head off".

Right after that amazing display of gratitude, they both fainted.

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