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It was a pleasant night, yet the man shivered. Waiting, waiting was the worst part. He approached the window of his study, overlooking the city below. Out there, somewhere, was his master. A master that would contact him any moment now. A contact that could literally drain the life out of him...

In the moonlight he could see the remaining redwood trees, tall pillars higher than the city walls. He took a deep breath, his lungs seemed to be shrinking. Pacing, he told himself, pacing will help...

It didn't.

Maybe I should just take it off, he thought rebelliously, just tell my wife everything and run. But he knew it was already too late, things were already set in motion...

"Besides..." He reminded himself, "I chose this, this is what I want."

He was thinking of telling one of the servants to get him tea when it started. He muffled his scream as his necklace started to burn. Out of the pendant streamed black smoke, mixed with a furious fiery red. He quickly fell upon his knees as a small form was brought into being in front of him, a hooded face.

"Master!" he choked.

Already, he could feel the necklace greedily drinking his life force.

The floating head was trailing from the necklace, a thin line of smoke feeding it. It chuckled and then said coldly: "I'm not your master, Adam."

"Yes mas.. um.. yes! of course as you say" Adam replied quickly.

The hooded figure laughed, "I'm what you make me Adam, you are free, that is why you sought me out no?"

"Y-yes of course"

"Good, now listen closely, there is a man you must seek out, he is a true believer of mine, yet lacks.. vision. He shall bring about our plans to fruition."

Adam stayed in his kneeled position as the smoky form gave him the details of his mission. He steadied himself by holding onto the desk, concentrating on staying conscious.

"You have yet to disappoint me... do not start now" finished the figure threateningly.

"Y-yes mas.. um.. yes N-n-ne-"

"You're afraid to say my name" the figure laughed, a cold, cruel laugh.

The fiery form transformed and expanded to fill the entire study.

Right before Adam fell to the floor, the laugh ringing in his ears, he glimpsed the fiery red letters spelling out the name


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