y/n towered over her childhood friend, despite her miniscule figure, partnered with... her partner, who she leaned against for support, for one of the classroom windows were open, placing her in danger of an attack from the gentle breeze. The dark green vegetable's eyes shook with petrifying fear, any sane creature would in y/n's grand and glorious imposing presence. This grave fear would be doubly profound if only the sharp, ferocious gaze emitted from y/n's globes were not blocked by her generous protruding planets.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Katsuki: WELL!?
Izuku: U-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-uh-u-uh-u-u-u-u-uh-u-u-u-uh-uh-uh-uhm
y/n: DEKU! You know how much my Honey Bunny Bee and I needed you to do this, what do you expect us to do now?? I've already bribed our Sensei for all the times I forgot to do the homework, which you know is every day so far!
Izuku: I'm sorry y/n, but I just had a lot going on yesterday.
Izuku looked downwards, still, just before y/n could huff a disapproval, he uttered a further response...
Izuku: Well, I really don't know what to tell you y/n, but I just think that maybe you should try doing your own work for once, y'know I think it could really help with your edu-
Izuku: You know that's not what I meant y/n, even if you are doing the best out of everyone in class, including our Sensei, it's still important t-
y/n: AND you say that I need to do my own work for once, HUH? Is that really what you think of me? That I've done no work in my life? Well, this may be news to you, but ever since I was younger, I've not been like other girls, not a girly-girl, I even dyed my luscious locks jet black, covered my right eye with my giant fringe, renamed myself to Dark Dysperia Luna Raven Ebony Obsidian Thorne, and started listening exclusively to My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, and Panic! At the Disco, I'm just different like that, and so, even after all my trials and tribulations, more substantial than anyone could ever imagine, when I didn't get the international space station when I was 3 months old for my ¼ birthday, you'd never be able to fathom an inkling of what I felt!
Katsuki: Babe, my Sweet Apple Plum Crumble Pie why in the knick knack cracker jack didn't you ever tel-
y/n: Come on Deku! I thought i could trust you... you BAKA!
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Unable to hold back her immense emotion, y/n swiftly turned her head, closing her glistening azure orbs as they welled with tears of pure diamond. Gently curling her delicate fingers inwards, she wiped her hardened tears off of her soft, smooth cheek with her nanoscopic palms.
As cascades of the gems fell from y/n's model face, clinking as they bounced off of the hard floor, the surrounding students sprang towards y/n's feet to grab the priceless jewels, because everyone knows that y/n's are just better than the real deal.
y/n x Bakugou 😏😏😏😏