Chapter 10| Sandra's party 🥳

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I stacked my note books neatly on my reading table and packed up the ones I'll be needing for the day in my purple bag pack. I fingered my two smooth bun gingerly in the mirror before dumping my bag on my back.

As quietly as I could, I opened my door to check if anyone was in the halls. Omar and I's plan since my dad got back was that we'll stay away and hide ourselves until he traveled again. We'd leave quietly for school in the morning, and when we get back, we'd stay hidden in our rooms. We even took our food upstairs to our room to eat. Iya Iyabo didn't complain, she understood, sometimes she even comes up to collect the plates. 

The plan has been going so well for three days now. The week is almost over and hopefully he'll travel soon, our guess is that he is just here to spend a week with his wife and he'll travel, well that's our prayer.

But as soon as I turned the knob and opened my door, the roar of a voice vibrated through my malleus incus and stapes. It made me shiver and tremble on the spot.

I heard Omar's voice shout loudly, "....he was a thousand times better a father than you ever where and will ever be."

I heard a deafening voice answer to him but my ears didn't quite process the words and I was unable to understand, but I knew it was my dad. Then I heard the sound...the familiar of someone getting hit.

I rushed downstairs as swiftly as I could. The sight I saw brought water to my eyes immediately! Oh God what's this again!. Omar was bleeding from the mouth and he was struggling to lift himself from the floor, he was crying and still cursing at my father—Mr Bolade.

Mr Bolade was standing above him enlarged with furiousness. His seemed to be choking with fury as he groaned inhumanly. 

"Ahhh" I yelloch and threw myself between Omar and him.

"What the hell are you doing?!. Do you want to kill him?!" I hollered wildly, all the fears I had for my dad evaporated in a single blink, for ones in my life I didn't care how big he is or how he looked like a big angry bear in fury. How could he hit Omar till he was bleeding!.

"How dare you open your stupid mouth and..." He began to talk with the scary voice that always made me shiver. But not today big guy!.

"Lay one more finger on him and I'll kill you" I know it's a great sin to yell at your parents, so great I could go to hell for it but I couldn't hold myself back seeing my beloved Omar like that, bleeding. Blood!. I just couldn't take it.

I wasn't more than a tiny rat in front of my huge father but I kept my stand anyways, I stood between Omar and him.

All of a sudden my feet rose up from the floor completely when Mr Bolade took hold of my collar. He was about to hit me too but someone came between us, I fell to the floor hard on my knee feeling them burst.

Long brown braids flashed through my eyes as I turned my head up. Levi?.  And Lila?.

"What the hell are you doing to these children?" Lila spat my father.

"Ree, are you okay?. Oh. Omar!" Levi rushed to Omar instead.

Omar was still bleeding from the mouth and even his nose in large alarming amount that it was concerning. I couldn't help but cry, I crawled over and raised him up with Levi.

Lila and Mr Bolade were exchanging loud words that boomed around the entire house and shook it to the foundation.

"Omar" I sobbed.

Mr Bolade stopped yelling with Lila, he stormed out pushing her out of the way. Lila had tears in her eyes as she came to check out Omar.

"He has to go to the hospital. Get my keys Levi" She said.

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