Chapter 13|He's Ludwig 🎉

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"Let go of my hand!" I snapped trying to sound resilient and rugged. He had such a firm grip on both of my wrist that they were starting to hurt really bad.

He cackled and so did the rest of his gang, they sounded like remote controlled toys. His bad breath filled my nose, a mixture of I'm guessing alcohol and whatever, it was a horrible scent! I felt like it went directly into my mouth and settled on my throat and tongue as if I'd swallow it!. I wanted to throw up.

"Security no dey anywhere near here, better shut up before I slap you" he was definitely drunk, I could tell with the way he sounded.

Gosh!. I struggled so hard my elbow hit Lila's car behind. The impact made my entire right hand vibrate, the vibration coursed through my entire body. The unbearable ache in my elbow made me grit my teeth and droplets of tears slipped out of my eyes.

He faced the four others, "Oya hold her!!" He commanded.

But before he could face me something happened. A whirl of wind zoomed pass my face, before I knew what was happening my hands were free and the guy with dreads was flying at high speed away from me. He fell back on his gang of idiots.

The shock made me freeze on spot. My hands were still slightly raised in front of my chest, the way I had it when he was still holding me. Did I develop super powers?. 

The guy with dreads and clownish face staggered in disorientation, his gang struggled to keep him on his feet for close to a minute.

Okay, what do I do?!. Run towards the supermarket and find Lila?. Run towards the gate where there's security?. Jump in the car and quickly lock the doors?.

The maniacs were now staring at me. The clown face guy was now with struggling to keep his eyes open and had one hand over his face. There's no time to think or run, so I just took a Karate stand, balling my fist and ready to punch.

But it seems they weren't looking at me, their gazes were averted upward, over my head.

"Sure you can handle them?."

"Ah" I yelped and jumped when I heard the coarse voice say.

I spun around. There was the really talk guy with beige hair in a brown jacket. One thick brow of brown hair rose up giving me a questioning expression.

Ohh! I didn't suddenly discover a super power! It was Mr tall guy that did the punching. I quickly stood straight.

"Stay out of the way love" I thought he was going to punch me right after that sentence left his mouth, his fist went flying past my face in a loud whoosh.

Next thing I knew he lifted me off my feet as if I weighed nothing and put me aside, then what I saw only happens in movies!. Beige was fighting the creeps, like literally!. Punching them, kicking them, dislodging them off their feet as they attacked him.






The watching crowd exclaimed after every punch, adding spice to the fight.

It felt like a real life movie scene. The blur of bright beige swept here and there as he kicked  their asses, literally. He spanked each of their exposed boxers and asses with his foot, leaving marks. Signature marks!.

The idiot guy that was holding me escaped and headed towards me. I yelled and staggered back. He slapped me across the face, hard, he held my neck with a hand and wanted to slap me again, but he didn't make it.

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