Chapter 16: Ashley's party

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"He just showed me round the supermarket!" I gestured with my hand to make a circle in the air.

"Oh Arrrgh!" Levi groaned. Omar caught up with us and closed the door behind, "Let's go" he led the way towards the big blue gate.

"That's all," I said walking with Levi, "Wait. And we had lunch together" I added recalling the tasty lunch I had yesterday at the supermarket with Ludwig.

Levi slapped his face with both palm, "I told you to stay away from him" he growled.

"Tell me why?, Why should I stay away from him?. Why do you hate him?. Or why do you two hate each other?" I asked kicking a rock on my path.

"It's something personal. It's a long story. I've already said he's a bad person who's only interested in hurting other people" his veins were popping up on his forehead as he spoke in anger.

"Well he seems like a nice harmless boy..."

"That's exactly what he wants everyone to think before he strikes again" he shook his head so violently his man bun came loose and he had to scoop it out of his face.

"If you tell me why he's bad I promise to keep away from him" enough of the suspense already for goodness sake, how bad is\was Ludwig.

"It's a really embarrassing story for me too. It brings back really bad memory. I just can't bring myself to say it. It'll literally change how you see me, but if that's what you want, promise you won't let it change how you see me...uhm Omar?."

"Shhhhshh!" He widen in arms in front of us to stop us from moving further, "Do you two hear that?."

"Hear what?" I asked trying to listen closely. Wait I can hear something, it sounded like a female voice... moaning?. Yes I don't think I'm mistaken, it does sound like the female was moaning but trying to muffle it but we could still hear her alright.

"It's coming from Kelvin's house" Omar said.

"Well then it's none of our business because...."

"Shhshhh. Who do you think it is?" Levi asked in a whisper and I shot him a look.

"I just said it's none of our business.." I wanted to begin a speech on minding our business but was cut short.

"Do you think it's Iyabo, I saw her earlier this morning but I haven't seen her again, or does kelvin have a girlfriend?" Omar speculated.

"Iyabo?. Even if it is it's none of our business, the school bus will be waitinggg" I dragged them both by their collars.

"No, I am sure it is Iyabo" Omar jumped out of my hold and headed to Kelvin's place.

"Dude come back. Ofofo no go kill you oo" I exclaimed, but I didn't storm away. I admit a little part of me wanted to see who it was and if it was really going to be Iyabo.

Omar the bold! Stumped right to the door and opened it.

"Omar!" I cried out as the one room apartment came to view.

As Omar had predicted, we saw the familiar face of Iyabo gasp in shock and flung her naked body trying to hide herself behind something. Kelvin quickly covered himself with a blanket.

This is really bad, we shouldn't have disturbed their private moment, we had no right to no matter what! Whatever kelvin chooses to do in his house is none of our business.

Omar slammed the brown door close and turned to Levi and I with his cheeks puffed, trying to stifle his laughter. I frowned disapprovingly at him, he's such an idiot.

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