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Jill's POV
"So I don't get it. You were the wolf that jumped me but yet you're not a mutant. At least you don't look like one" I said. Skylar sipped her water bottle and kept looking at her phone. "I'm a werewolf" she said casually. "Oh" I said, shocked. She's wearing the red bracelet in front now. She looked up at me and raised an eyebrow. "Thats not a common answer" I said. "We're a dying species" she shrugged. "Is that why you don't have a pack?" I asked. She looked at me weird. "What kind of stereotype shit are you talking about? Most werewolves don't live in packs. They haven't for centuries." she said. "Ok Ill shut up now" I walked away.

"Hey Cosmo?" Hailey asked. "What's up?" She asked. "Why haven't you talked to your sisters? Or at least your mom? They miss you" Hailey said. Cosmo sighed. "My uncle Hydro told me the story of the arrows and my mom said that it was just a story, but I didn't believe it. When I tried to prove to them that The Arrows were real, they didn't believe me" she said. "None of them?" I asked. "Well Electro did but she's not my sister" she said. "I can understand Auto but Pyro?" I asked. "What? Oh hell no. Pyro was the one that believed it was a kid story. Auto believed me" she said. "What!?" Hailey and I shrieked. "Yeah. Auto thought it was awesome but when I told her I was gonna leave to find new members, she backed out and I left" she said. "She didn't want to leave?" I asked. She nodded. Hailey and I looked at each other. "You need to find them. You need to talk to them. Your sisters aren't the same people you knew when you left" I said. Cosmo looked concerned. She nodded. She took off her arrows and her jacket and went to leave. "You're not gonna change?" I asked. "I don't have any other clothes. Plus I'm just wearing jeans and a tee-shirt. That jacket is what makes me an arrow" she shrugged. I looked at the jacket and then at her. "I guess you're right" I shrugged. "Ill be back girls! Can you take me to them?" Cosmo asked. We nodded. "Bye!" Electro and Skylar said. 

Cosmos POV
I'm nervous. Hailey and Jill dropped me off. They told me to keep their identities secret and I will. I knocked on the door. A tall woman with long black hair, black ears, and a tail answered. She's wearing a gray shirt and black ripped jeans that have a lanyard hanging out of the back pocket. She leaned against the doorframe looking at her phone. "Can I help you?" She asked, not looking at me. "Finally hit puberty I see" I laughed. She hesitated and looked up at me. She stood up off the doorframe. "Cosmo" she said, shocked. "Can I come in?" I asked. She just stared at me confused and shocked, and stepped aside. I walked in and went to the living room. "I know this looks bad" I started. "Bad doesn't cover it" Auto huffed. I looked down. "You think you can just come back and act like everything is normal after you left us! After you left me?" she asked. She looked down. "Auto I'm sorry" I said. Pyro walked in from the hallway and stopped. She smiled at me. She went into her dog form, ran at me, and jumped on me. Her tail is wagging. "You're back!" She said happily. "Hi Pyro" I said. She changed back and hugged me. "Cosmo?" Mom asked. I turned around. "Hi mom" I greeted. She hugged me. "I missed you" she said. "I missed you too mom" I said. Auto left the room. I followed her.

"Auto-" I said. "Fuck off" she growled. "Ok I deserve that but come on" I said. "Why?" She asked. I stopped. "Why what?" I asked. "Why did you come back? I know it wasnt for me and I know it wasnt for our family. So why did you come back?" She asked. "The Arrows are back" I said. She rolled her eyes and walked away. "Auto, what's wrong? You used to love the arrows" I said. "Yeah but then they took you away" she said. "Is that what this is about? You're mad that I left. I asked you to come with me!" I said. "And I said no. I made the right choice. You were gonna leave Pyro behind like she's just some piece of trash. She's better than that. Yeah she's a little slow but she's strong and she deserved better. I'm sorry you're upset I didn't go with you. I'm sorry that my family is more important to me than being a superhero" she barked. "You stayed for Pyro?" I asked. "Yeah and we don't need you. We don't need any heroes. Pyro and I can do fine by ourselves. We don't need you" she spat. "I never said you did" I said calmly. "What do you want from me?" She asked. I held out my hand. "I want my sister back" I said. "Is that what you want? Too bad I'm not your sister" She slammed her door. I stood there in shock. "I hate seeing her like that" Pyro said. I turned around. "She's changed a lot" she said. "So have you. You look amazing" I said. She smiled. "Is that really why you left? For the arrows?" She asked. "Yes but I didn't have any intention on leaving you. I didn't even think about it. I'm so sorry that I left you Pyro and I will never live it down" I said. "Its ok. I forgive you" she hugged me. "Do you wanna catch up?" I asked. She nodded and we went to her room.

"Your girlfriend sounds nice" I said, as if I haven't met her. "She is" she smiled at her hands. "Have you two-?" I asked. "What! No! I mean- not yet" she blushed. "Oh wow. You wanna fuck her?" I teased. "Stop it" she whined. We laughed. "What about you? Are you seeing anyone?" She asked. I shook my head. "No ones caught my eye. Plus I've been busy with the arrows" I said. "Have you met Wildfire and Static Current?" She asked. "Yes" I said. "They got me out of a fire. Well technically Auto saved me but then I passed out and they took us to the hospital" she said. "I'm here now Pyro. I promise Ill keep you safe" I said. She smiled. "That said. Now that you know the arrows are real, do you wanna be one?" I asked. She looked shocked. "Please! It would be so cool to work with my sister. I wanted to ask Auto too, but I don't think she likes me right now" I said. "Yeah that might take awhile" she said. "So?" I asked. "I would love to" she smiled. "Awesome. You get to see Electro" I said. "Electro is an arrow?" She asked. I nodded. "Awesome. Can I pick my color?" She asked. "Any color you want" I nodded. "I wanna be orange" she smiled. "Then you are the new orange arrow" I said. She smiled and hugged me. "I missed you Cosmo" she said. "I missed you too Pyro" I said.

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