Alastors Escape

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While Auto and Pyro fought on the rooftop, someone followed Alastor.

Alastors POV
I landed on a roof and brushed the dust off me. A black blur passed in front of me. "You're a little late to the party" i say turning around. I expected Zane but was met with a new face. "Who are you?" I ask. "My name is Dain. I mean you no harm. I just need you to listen for a moment, ok?" He asks. I hesitated. I raised an eyebrow. "Why are you doing this? Your entire family were heros. You can be just like them" he says. "I dont want to be like them! Besides I dont have a family! I was adopted! Im not a Blaster! I just took their name" i say. "Alastor, you dont have to be alone. I didnt have anything either. I never knew my parents. I grew up with my best friend and he's a demon. But now I have a family. My friends, the heros. We're all one big family and we're always there for each other. Im sure they'll give you another chance" he says. "I-" i couldn't find words. "If they dont support you, than I will" he says holding out his hand. I stared at it. I almost took it but backed up. "Alastor" he starts. "No" i say. I shot up as fast as I could and before I knew it, I was out in space. I didnt know where I was going. I just followed where my body took me, and it took me home.

Jills POV
The 32s went home. We now know who Blackout is and that Dains friend is his boyfriend. "Hey wheres Dain?" Hailey asks. "I thought he was just in the bathroom or something" i say. She shook her head. Dain came in the window in his glitch bird form. He changed to a human and was panting. "We have to go to the moon" he says. "What happened to you?" I ask. "Alastor. He's not evil. He's just broken. Please, I dont care what it costs or how we do it but you have to get me up there" he says. "I can make a portal but we cant breathe up there" Hailey says. "I can help with that" Echo says.

We're in the villains old base. Echo held up two bracelets. "These will allow you to breathe and function normally on the moon. Theres only two" she says. "Hailey will take Dain up there" i say. "Ok but I cant turn into a ferret" Hailey says. "You can if you wear this" Echo says holding up another bracelet. It had a blue streak going down it. "Is that a power band?" I ask. She nods. "Itll give you the ability to shapeshift" Echo says. Hailey took it. "Ok Dain, lets go" Hailey says putting on the bracelet.

Dains POV
We stepped through the portal and onto the moon. I transformed into my ferret form. Its black with silver on my feet, the tip of my tail and my ears. "Do all of your animal forms look similar to your glitch form?" Hailey asks shifting to a ferret. I shook my head. I wrote "not all" in the sand. "Cant you speak?" She asks. I squeaked. "Only in ferret. Got it" she says. She looked at herself. Shes a bright yellow with a blue stripe down the middle across her entire body. "Ew! I look like a banana" she says. I snickered and we left. We ran to the Tublos city. Well, I ran. She tumbled along side me. We arrived and wow. Their town is nice. We walked around. So many colors of ferrets. At least they have peace. We walked up to a blue ferret with red spots. I looked at Hailey. "Hi, could you help us?" She asks. The boy looked over. "Sure, whats up?" He asks. "Do you know where to find the Blaster family?" She asks. He laughed. "You're in luck. You found me" he says. "You're a Blaster?" She asks. He nods. "My names Fritz. What can I help you with?" He asks. "Did Alastor come here?" She asks. He stepped back. "You two arent cops are you?" He asks. "No, we want to help him" she says. He was hesitant. I squeaked. He looked at me. I squeaked to him everything. His eyes slowly widened. "You're in love with my brother" he says. I squeaked in shock. Hailey laughed. "You didnt know?" She asks. I shook my head. "Come with me" Fritz says. We followed him.

He scratched at the door and a red ferret with blue spots opened the door. "Fritz!" he says. "Blitz!" Fritz says. "Oh my god" Hailey said looking down. I snickered again. They're twins. We came inside. There sat a black ferret with two grey stripes on his back and another black ferret with blue spots. "Who are they?" The girl asks. "Kelsey, they came here looking for Al" Fritz says. Alastor looked at us. He was confused for a moment but then got up quickly. "You" he growls. Hailey gulped. "Wow Static Current. I knew you wanted me gone but I didnt think youd come this far just for that" he says. I jumped in front of Hailey. I squeaked to him. "You came here for me?" He asks. I nod. "Why?" He asks. "Because he loves you" everyone in the room said. I huffed. "You really wanna take a chance on me?" He asks. I nodded. "Come back with us. Im sure Wildfire and I can get everyone to forgive you. Plus, Echo misses you" Hailey says. "No she doesnt" he says. "She does. You're her friend" she says. He looked down. "Go with them bro. If it doesnt work out then you can come back" Blitz says. "Youll be fine" Kelsey says. Alastor hesitated. "Ill go with you" he says. We smiled at each other. Haileys power band blinked. Alastor noticed. "We gotta get you out of here. Power bands dont last for very long. If the Tublos see a human here, theyll go nuts" Alastor says. We ran out the door.

We changed back to human and Hailey opened a portal back home. Now Im walking with Alastor back to HQ. Hailey is ahead of us. She got the coordinates wrong. "So you like me?" He asks. "I think I do" i say. "So, do you wanna hang out sometime?" He asks. "After we clear your name, sure" i say. He laughed.

We're at HQ. "We're just supposed to forgive him" Auto shouts. "Calm down babe" Jill says. "Im sorry. For everything. I cant really explain why I did these things." Alastor says. "Because you're broken" Echo says standing. "We all are. Everyone in this room. Most of them are adopted. They're a wolf without a pack and my family is being used as pets. The only difference is that we were stupid enough to choose revenge" Echo says walking up to Alastor. "Nice speech. You're getting a hang of being a hero" Alastor says. "You have no idea. Its contagious." She says. "Does that mean you forgive me?" He asks. She punched him in the gut. "Good to have you back buddy" she says. "Oof" he groaned

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