Chapter 1: A spark of light

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Octavia pov

I wake up suddenly to the sound of my parents arguing. Though, they argue so much, that them fighting is like my alarm clock. I turn on my phone and check the time and its still early in the morning, 9am to be exact. I put in my headphones and listen to my favourite band 'fuck you dad' they're pretty damn good.

As i walk out of my room, i casually dodge debris of random shit caused from my parents fighting. As i walk into the kitchen my mother, Stella, walks out in a huff. My dad, Stolas, sighs before he looks over to me with a smile.

Stolas: Good morning via dear! Did you sleep well my owlette?

Octavia: That cannot be a serious question, right?

Stolas: I... guess not?

Octavia: Whatever...

Dad sighs slowly and quietly as i walk over to the kitchen table and sit down as i start to scroll through my phone.

Stolas: So, via, dear? What were you planning on doing today

Octavia: I dunno.

Dad walks over to the fridge and grabs the milk soon pouring it into a cup and drinking it slowly.

Stolas: Come on Via... can you go outside today and hang out with some friends?

Octavia: I dont have any friends to hang out with you idiot.

Stolas: oh... yes right i forgot about that... Well how about you go out and take a stroll? You might meet some people and make friends by doing that?

Octavia: Ugggghhh... Do i really have to?

Stolas: Well, i highly recommend it! Come on! Im sure it will make you feel at least a little better!

Octavia: For fucks sake... fine... satan damn it...

Stolas: Yay! I promise, a nice little walk will bring your spirits right up!

Octavia: Whatever...

I get up from the kitchen table and start walking to my room. I walk into my large room to 'get changed' when really all i do is change my black jacket to a dark blue jacket. I walk into my bathroom and brush my teeth, and i was ready to go.

I walk down multiple sets of stairs to the front door and i make my way outside.

"Fuck... i havent been outside in weeks... what do i do? Go shopping? Go to a resturant? I guess i'll just walk through the city and see if there is anything fun to do.

As i make my way into the very centre of the main city of hell, i walk past an alley way, but something in this alley way catches my eye. I walk back and quickly look.

"I-is that a f-freaking h-human?!?!?"

(Well? A pretty good start eh? Dont worry, you wont have to wait to long between chapters as i have lots of free time recently. But, until next time! See ya!

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