Chapter 5: A day out

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Octavia pov

I wake up more peacfully than usual, as i dont hear my parents arguing for once. I pick up my phone from the nightstand beside and check the time.

The clock states 10am, i have slept in longer than usual. I sigh and turn off my phone. I turn around and look beside me, then i gasp from surprise as i saw Y/n, forgetting he even slept beside me last night.

I want to wake him up, but he just looks so calm, relaxed and...cute, when he is sleeping. But alas, i try to wake him up by shaking him gently.

Octavia: Hey, wake up sleepy head~

Y/n starts to groan quietly and shuffle around as i continue to shake him.

Y/n: Mmmm... five more minutes...

Octavia: Okay fine, but you better be up by the time im dressed.

Y/n: Mmmmm...sure... whatever...

I get out of bed and walk into my bathroom. I brush my teeth then walk over to my closet. I pull out some black short shorts and a black hoodie with some anime character on it. I change into the clothes and sigh heavily as i see that Y/n isnt awake yet.

Octavia: Okay im serious now. You have to get up if you still want to go bowling today.

Y/n: Ughhhh... ffffinnneee...

Y/n reluctantly gets out of bed and walks into the bathroom and brushes his teeth. He then walks over to my closet and takes out some of my clothes to wear. He didnt even ask if he could wear them, he just took some of my clothes, but i didnt stop him. Y/n walked back into the bathroom and shut the door and walked back out a minute later in fresh clothes.

Octavia: You look good Y/n.

Y/n blushed slightly.

Y/n: Oh, uh, t-thanks. Y-you look good too.

I smile at his compliment. We walk out of my room and we start talking about some random things to help us get to know eachother.

As soon as we get to the front door, dad appears behind us and starts to ask us questions.

Stolas: And where do you two think youre going?

Octavia: Oh, we were just going out to do some bowling.

Stolas: Ah! Bowling! How fun! Okay, well enjoy your selves! And be home before dark... you lovebirds~

Me and Y/n blush heavily. Y/n looked slightly nervous and i was slightly angry at dad.

Octavia: Ugh! Dad! It isnt like that yet!

Stolas and Y/n: YET!?

Otavia: Uh, i mean, ugh! Forget it! Lets just go Y/n!

I open the front door and walk out with Y/n following behind me. Y/n is still heavily blushing from what happened and i was also blushing slightly.

Me and Y/n continue to make our way through the streets of hell to get to the bowling alley. The bowling alley is an hour walk and me and Y/n have only been walking for twenty minutes.

Y/n: Yet...

Y/n mumbles to himself, thinking he is being quiet when really i can hear him fine. I still dont know if Y/n feels the same way about me the way i think about him. As a kid, i never had any crushes or anything like that but when i see Y/n, i know what it feels like. He's just so... perfect. Y/n is cute, funny, talented and just down right amazing.

As we walk to the alley, i cant help but keep looking at Y/n, its almost like im in a trance. But, Y/n notices me looking at him.

Y/n: Is everything Okay Octavia?

Octavia: Huh? Oh! Yeah im perfectly fine! Just getting lost in thoughts...

Y/n places his hand on my shoulder and i start to blush.

Y/n: Do you wanna talk about it?

Octavia: N-no, its nothing to worry about Y/n!

Y/n: Okay...

Y/n takes his hand off my shoulder and i notice that we are at the bowling alley.

We walk in and get signed up and all of that boring shit. We are then directed to our alley and we walk over to it and get settled.

Y/n: I cant even remember the last time ive been bowling.

Octavia: Oh yeah? Then i might have an advantage because i come here pretty damn often.

Y/n: Heh... just go easy on me via.

As soon as i heard Y/n call me via, i started to blush really hard and my spine shuddered from pleasure. Everyone for all of my life has been calling me via, so why does it make me feel so much better when Y/n says it?

Octavia: O-oh yeah! N-no problem!

Me and Y/n started to play a few rounds soon after. From the amount of strikes i was getting and the amount of gutter balls Y/n was getting, it was obvious that there was a massive skill gap. But even with this skill gap in mind, Y/n was still smiling, laughing and having fun. When Y/n smiles and laughes like this, it makes him look so much cuter. Fuck, how can one person be capable of being so cute?

A few hours go by and me and Y/n have played roughly sixteen rounds, so thought we should finish up and get home.

We walk out of the bowling alley and start to walk home. As we're walking home, me and Y/n are just talking, laughing and enjoying eachothers company.

We finish the hour long walk as we realise that we're back at the palace. Being with Y/n makes an hour feel like two minutes.

We walk in to the palace and we find dad in the hallway, almost as if he was just waiting for us.

Stolas: Hello you two! Did you have a good time?

Y/n: Yeah, it was great!

Stolas: Wonderfull!

Octavia: Anyways dad, me and Y/n are just going to go to bed. We're really tired.

Stolas: Oh, well i would have thought that you would be hungry.

Octavia: Nah, we got somthing to eat down at the alley.

Stolas: Oh, well goodnight you two.

Y/n and octavia: Goodnight dad.

Me and Y/n walk up to my room. Once we get into my room, Y/n sits on my bed and starts to look through his phone. I walk over and stand infront of him, preparing to ask him something.

Octavia: Y/n... i need to ask you something... something serious...

Y/n: Well, okay, ask away via!

Y/n turns off his phone and sets it beside him, waiting for me to ask my question. I sigh heavily as i prepare myself.

"Come on octavia, you can do this..."

Octavia: I-i... i was wondering if... I-if y-you wanted to be my b-boyfriend...?

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