~Chapter Two: I've waited so long for you~

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Liam's POV
(Mortal realm)
Thump, thump, thump.

My paws thundered across the ground as I raced across the forest. I jumped over logs and tree roots. This was truly peace, my lycan 'Faolan' howled in joy. It had been a couple of weeks since I last let him out. The smell of the earth calmed our nerves.

Feeling his throat begin to fry, Faolan sniffed the air and followed the scent of water. He came upon a small stream. Faolan Dipped his head and began drinking the water. After he was done, he licked his Chaps and began walking the way he came. The air was calm, there was no sign of trouble.

I was on morning patrol, surveying the whole territory. My pack 'The Midnight Moon Pack' had a decent amount of land. It was secluded, but close enough to a small human town. The land has been in my family for two centuries, it all started with my grandfather Elric Tate.

The pack house came into view, it had an old Victorian feeling. Standing at the back door was Mallory, my long time girlfriend. She was one of my best friend's little sister's. Her older brother was Nicholas, my Gamma. We had been together for five years and neither of us had yet to find our mates.

I transformed in front of her, naked and all. She laughed and handed me a pair of shorts. Her hand wrapped around my neck as she pulled me in for a kiss. It was sweet, but I didn't feel anything. No sparks or tingly feelings going down my spine. My parents have been pushing me to mate with her and claim her as the new Luna, if I did it wouldn't feel right, I still have hope my true mate is out there.

She pulled away after a few minutes, smiling. Mallory grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. I already knew where this was going. She led us to my bedroom and shut the door. She jumped into my arms, claiming my lips all the while pushing me down onto the bed.
The day had gone sooner than expected. The rest of the morning was spent in bed and the rest with pack work. It was an exhausting day, Faolan didn't make it any easier by whining all day. He said that something was going to happen tonight and that I needed to be prepared. I didn't listen to him, I just ignored him and continued with my pack duties.

For some reason the thought of mates kept popping into my head the whole day. Why, I don't exactly know. Maybe it's the fact that I've been mateless for ten years, you see when a Lycan first shifts they are able to sense their mate. For me I haven't had the best luck, I'm twenty eight now. I have searched all over the world for her, I started to think she might be dead. Over the years I learned to accept that I probably don't have a mate.

Right now I'm laying in bed staring at the ceiling, Mallory is curled up next to me asleep. Getting up I walk towards the window, it's dark outside the only light being from the moon. "Oh Moon Goddess, why must you make me wait for her," I whisper to myself. Looking up there is a flash of light in the sky, it disappears the second I see it. Was it a shooting star? It was probably my imagination acting up, after all it is late. I went back to bed pulling Mallory closer to me. Closing my eyes All I could think about was the light I saw.
I jolted up from the bed and took a defensive stance. "What was that," Mallory exclaimed from behind me. I mindlinked my Beta and Gamma to come with some warriors. The thing that crashed into my room looked at me with two glowing green eyes. It slowly stood up, not breaking eye contact. Another figure appeared out of the debris. The new figure caught my attention, it stepped into the moonlight and was a woman, she had white hair and blue glowing eyes.

Sniffing the air I caught the scent of pine trees and cinnamon. Faolan suddenly awoke within me. He kept chanting "Mate" in my head. I knew my eyes started changing to a darker blue, Faolan was taking over. The unknown woman sucked in a breath as she took in my appearance. She quickly broke the stare and focused her attention back on the other figure. She started to advance with her sword towards the FAIRY! What the hell is going on? Green eyes had wings and pointy ears.

Soon both began attacking each other in my room. James and Nicholas barged in with the warriors, confused at the sight. Nicholas went to Mallory's side and dragged her out of the room. The others tried to get close to the unknown women, but failed. Heavy furniture was being thrown around, lightning and flames appeared out of nowhere, and the sound of metal on metal could be heard.

Blue eyes tackled the other woman to the ground and began punching her. What amazed me even more was the sight of golden blood, it dripped down her face in little streams. Green eyes grabbed a discarded metal vase and smashed blue eyes on the side of her head. She fell to the side with a loud thud. I ran behind her, slashing her across the back. Green eyes winced in pain and pushed me back with an unseen force.

Blue eyes got up throwing a glowing ball at her, gaining her attention. Green eyes picked up her leg and kicked the other woman outside of the room. I growled loudly getting ready to shift. 'She hurt my mate,' thought Faolan. Green eyes jumped outside of the room and continued to fight. I ran to the opening and jumped down. Blue eyes took the upper hand and slammed her fist into the woman's chest making her fly back hitting a tree. She coughed up more blood and slumped to the ground.

Blue eyes grabbed her by the hair and tossed her to the ground. She held wings in one hand and the sword in the other. She lifted the sword and swiftly cut off the wings. Green eyes screamed in pain, tears streamed down her face. Blue eyes grabbed cuffs off of a flying horse and strapped them across her wrist. She picked up the limp woman and tied her to the back of the horse. By now a group of pack members had formed, stunned at the sight.

Woo-hoo y'all made it to chapter two. I know this is sudden, but how do yall like Alpha Liam so far? Is he to typical or is he decent so far? Let me know. I will be making his character fact page very soon, so be expecting that.


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