~Chapter Five: Where is it?~

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Yavanna's POV

The day was finally coming to an end here in Avalon, I had just arrived before the sun set. Starlight flew us over to the stables, there waiting for us was one of the stable boys. The boy was about to take Starlight, but I stopped him. "It's ok Sal, I've got this. Hurry home before it gets dark." He nodded and excused himself.

Starlight walked to her stall, there I took her saddle and reins off. She trotted over to some fresh grass as I cleared out her water pale. As a treat for being such a great companion, I gave her an apple. She took it from my hand in a gentle manner. She chewed, dropping saliva on my hand, "Ew Starlight, could you eat less mucky?" She just rolled her eyes and walked off.

After tending to Starlight, I began my walk back to the castle. I looked up at the sky and took in a deep breath, by now the stars and blue moon were out. The last few days really took a lot out of me. I just really wanted to crawl into bed and forget everything, but I couldn't, he kept popping into my head. The thought of Sir Liam made heat rise to my face. I have never met any man like him before.

Shaking my head I tried to clear my mind, "He is no longer important," I whispered to myself. Opening the door I head to my bedroom to bathe and get ready for bed. Before I could open my bedroom door a voice stopped me, It was Moon. "Where have you been all day Yana? I have been looking all over the kingdom for you, I have news. Your parents arrived earlier today." My parents are here, I wonder why?

Usually it's for business or a special occasion. "Is Quail here as well?"

"Yes, we were discussing plans for Mita's anniversary."

How could I forget such an important day, I'm such a fool. "Alright, we can discuss all of that tomorrow moring after training."

"Very well, oh and Uncle Talon wants you to join us for supper." With that she turns around and begins descending the stairs.

"By the way Yana, you look as if you have been in a skirmish with the goblin King. Wash up before you join us, you know how my mother is." I laugh and go into my room.

Stepping into the washroom I begin to warm the water filled tub. Stripping out of today's garments, I look in the mirror with horror. "NO WHERE IS IT!" My necklace was missing. I begin to throw the clothes around in panic. How could I lose it, I never take it off? I dropped to my knees and began whimpering. That was the only item I had left of him. I tried to retrace my day, could I really have left it behind at the mortal realm?

It finally struck me, I left it in Liam's room. How could I be such an imbecile, now I have to go back there. Hopefully it's still there, I have no way of contacting him. I really didn't want to go back there. Something about Liam and his people unnerved me, especially him. He looked like someone I once knew.

Getting up I stepped into the tub, by now the water had become scorching hot. That didn't bother me. I was numb at the moment. As the water became cold, I took that as my que to get out. I dried myself off and moisturized my body. I slipped on a silk cream colored nightgown and began to brush my hair. The woman in the mirror had not looked the same for two centuries.

I grabbed a matching robe and headed towards the dining hall. The clinking of silverware could be heard as I approached. Upon entering, everyone in the hall greeted me. "My goodness Yavanna, where have you been? Everyone has almost finished their meal," My Aunt Inessa said as I sat down next to my twin brother Quail. He smiled and squeezed my hand. A plate of fish and greens was placed in front of me, along with a small bowl of berries.

The rest of supper I sat quietly picking at my food, I could barely stomach anything. Quail kept sending concerned glances my way. "Yavanna, why are you so quiet? Are you alright dear," This time mother spoke up.

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