~Chapter Six: Surprise Visitor~

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Elric’s POV
(mortal realm)

My wife and I had just flown into town. My wife Lucinda was fast asleep in the passenger seat, the trip must have really taken a lot out of her. I smile and kiss the top of her hand. We were just thirty minutes away from the pack house. Outside the scenery of the forest passed by like a blur. The surroundings were of thick forest, the last human town was an hour away.
The sight of the pack house and other small buildings came into view. I parked the car and gently shook Lucinda awake. “Lucy my love it’s time to wake up. The bed would be more comfortable to sleep in than the seat of a car.” Slowly she opened her amber eyes and stretched. My wife was still beautiful even after so many years together.

“We’re here already. I swear we just stepped off the plane.”

Jogging to her side of the car, I open the door for her and take her hand. She helps me with the luggage from the back. It’s oddly quiet right now, usually there are pups running around or warriors are training. As we get closer to the house I notice some changes have been done to the architecture. The tiles on the roof are different and the color on the side of the house has changed.

What took me by surprise even more was the wood, this type didn’t belong in the mortal realm. Upon smelling the wood, I noticed it was Winterwood and Rosewood, so my suspicions were correct.

“Honey, are you alright?”

“Just fine.”

Taking another ten minutes to check the work, I come across a design I haven’t seen in centuries. The symbols and wording only meant one thing….an elf had been here. Knowing this made me stiffen. Lucinda put her hand on my shoulder, “Elric I know something is bothering you. Does this have to do with the reconstruction to the house?”

I shook my head no. Clearing my mind I grabbed Lucinda’s hand and walked toward the front door. I need to leave the past alone, no matter how much I regret it. It would be too dangerous to go back now. I wouldn't want to risk my family.

Lucinda and I head to our bedroom to drop off our luggage and head to the Alphas office. Getting closer a scent hit me, I stopped in my tracs.  ‘What is she doing here?’ Lucy tugs at my hand, this breaks me out of my trance. Knocking on the door I hear a “Come in.”

“Liam, my favorite grandson, how are you doing? We just got back from the trip, how are things holding up?”

He walks towards me and gives me a hug. “I’m your only grandson.”

I chuckle at that. He pulls Lucy in for a hug as well. From the side of my eye a woman with white hair and pointy ears stands near Liam’s desk. She turns around and I am met with two familiar blue eyes.  My world goes cold instantly, I haven’t seen her in over two hundred years.
The dark memories rush back to me, shakley I say her name “Yavanna.”


My attention is only on her, why was she here? Was she here to finally finish me off or worse turn me in? My son William and his mate appear at Liam’s side. “Dad, hello are you there,” William waves his hand in front of my face.

“Elric, it's been quite some time since I’ve seen you. I thought you might have been dead,” she says with a disgusted look on her face.

“Yavanna, long time no see old friend.”

“We were never friends.”

The room is now quiet as we have our little stare down. “How do you two no each other,” Liam asks with a face of jealousy.  Neither of us answer.

“I will have to decline your lunch invitation Laim, goodbye.” Yavanna rushes past me about to leave when Liam stops her.

“Yavanna we had a deal. I still have your precious necklace, so unless you want it back, please stay just for a little while.”

By the look on her face Yavanna seems to be having an internal battle. “Very well then Liam, I will follow your request.”

We all sat at our own table. The rest were occupied by other pack members. Today's lunch was a small celebration for our return. It seems like some of the pack members are already used to her presence. The only ones uncomfortable with her are the elders, myself included. They escaped ‘their’ wrath like me, we were the lucky ones.

Yavanna hasn’t said a word since she sat down, she only picked at her steak. The whole time she had an angered look on her face. Liam would look at her from time to time. I could tell Yavana scared Lucinda, she would look down when Yavanna would catch her staring. The rest of the pack paid no mind to our awkward situation.

Liam growled at me when I kept glancing at her. She quickly put her hand on the sword strapped around her waist. Alarmed, I quickly mindlined him.

“Liam control yourself, she is a very dangerous elf. She cannot know you and the rest of the pack are lycans.”

“Why not? I’m pretty sure she has already suspected us of not being human.”

Thankfully William intervened, “So how was the trip father?”

“It was great actually, your mother really enjoyed the beach. We even got to help out at an orphanage and a homeless shelter. We met a lot of good people there.” Lucy smiled and squeezed my hand.

Yavanna laughed, that laugh had a dark undertone to it. “Oh Elric, you really are a charmer. I mean you always have been, do tell how did you manage to find another?” She waved her hand towards Lucy.

“What does she mean by another Elric? We are fated mates right?”

“May I ask what is your full name?”

“It’s Lucinda Tate, why do you ask?”

“No reason in particular, I just wanted to know who Elric’s ‘new mate’ was.”

Liam and the rest of the table looked at me. By now the whole dining room became quiet. “Yavanna, why are you suddenly asking my grandfather all these questions? Are you trying to accuse him of something?” She only looked at me and put on a fake smile.

“Well Liam, your grandfather and I used to be somewhat acquaintances. It amazes me how much you claimed to have changed Elric. From what I remember you were never this kind. In fact you were never kind to your true fated mate. Oh what was her name, let me think. Does the name Mita Fraden ring any bells?”

I froze in my spot….Mita. That name haunted my dreams every night. Lucy looked shocked by what Yavanna said. She looked at me hurt, “I don’t believe you elf. My husband would never keep such information from us.”

“Oh but he did. And Tate, that is such a peculiar last name. I’m sure he never told you his real name.”

Lucy shook her head no. Yavanna’s smile only widened, “Why would you ever keep such vital information from your family Elric Nero the Tyrant Lycan King.”

“Father, what is she saying? Is Yavanna telling the truth?”

I only stayed quiet. I didn't know what to say.

“From his silence, he is telling the truth. You see, even the mate part is true, he replaced my dear sister so easily.”

Liam looked at both of us, he wanted Yavanna to continue speaking.

“Alright then. Gather around closely and listen to every word carefully for I have a tale to tell, So let’s begin."

There you have it folks the culprit who killed Mita. I was trying to drop hints about Elric in the past chapters, so let me know did this surprise you? And before I forget his character profile will be up in a bit.
   Anyways adios😗

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