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After about a month of staying with "Mr. Fingers", your leg has gotten much better. You still don't know how it hadn't gotten any infections in this mess of a house.

But, with your leg feeling fine again, you decided you'd go out hunting for some food for you and your friend. You've never been good at catching live animals- or at least, what's left of them- although you have become skilled in foraging over the years.

However, you decided to shape a large stick into a spear just in case you do find an animal meaty enough to eat. You also brought along a small knife for self defense.

As you quietly crept through the forest, hiding under bushes for cover, you kept your eyes peeled for any threats and for food. Along the way you've already picked some small mushrooms and berries, as well as some edible flowers, but you still felt like you needed something else.

You eventually came across a river. The water was tinted green, but you could still make out the shadows of some oversized fish beneath the surface. The fish looked and tasted a little funny no matter how you cooked them, but were always filling enough for you to ignore those traits. Raising your crudely made spear, you aimed carefully at the water.

Then the sound of a twig snapping came from behind you.

You spun around, now holding your spear in a defensive stance. But as you looked around you, there was nothing and nobody to be seen.

Lowering your weapon, you cautiously turned back to the water, watching over your shoulder for a few extra seconds. You let out a heavy, yet quiet sigh, and looked forward.

Just in time to see something horrifying.

Someone tall stood in front of you, hunched over with their face not even an inch from yours. They had no eyes and a wide grin with missing teeth, and no nose. You weren't able to get a good look at it before...

You shot up in bed, shaking and sweating. It was a dream. The face still stuck in your mind though, and you could still see it every time you blinked. The image wasn't very clear though, and grew more and more blurry as you woke up.

In all your years of surviving out here, you've come across a fair share of...unpleasant people, with looks to match their character. But in none of those years have you ever come across someone like the person in your dream.

Perhaps it was a combination of all the faces you've seen along the way...or maybe it was just a bad dream. Definitely the latter.

You wiped the sweat off your forehead and looked around the room. The small, dark room. The shadows always seemed to have the figure of a person in them, but looking at them showed that it was just your imagination.

Except the man on the floor.

But you were used to "Mr. Fingers" sleeping on his floor; he wouldn't accept you taking that place instead. Sometimes he'd lay with you if he was having a bad night, but most of the time tried to respect your personal space. He turned out to be a huge sweetheart, just a guy needing a friend.

And being that friend was something you were more than willing to do. You've never even said a word to him yet, but the two of you seem to understand each other just fine.

Your gasps from waking up didn't wake him up, though. That was a relief; he needed the rest. The bags under his eyes never went away no matter how much he rested.

As you laid back down, you took one last look around the room. The people in the shadows kept disappearing as you looked at them. You knew they weren't real, but still felt watched as you closed your eyes and fell back asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2022 ⏰

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