Chapter 2

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Running down the stairs, I get to the door, and a short male had walked through and into the dorm room. "AHHHHHH A BURGLAR!" I yelled, hiding behind the dining table holding onto a chair. I could tell that Umbra was face palming at me even without looking at him. The short male turned around, "Huh-? OH! No no no no, I'm not a burglar, My names Rikku!" He said, smiling and looking towards my hiding spot. "Ooooh, sorry I thought you were a burglar Heh." I laughed, my hand behind my head, standing up from behind the chair. Rikku walked up to me and only then did I realize just how short he was. Rikku wore a large witches hat with an oversized reddish-brown sweater and dark ripped Jean's with small black shoes. Rikku smiled, laughing. "So what's your name?" He asked. "OH! I'm Artemis, Nice to meet you!" I said, standing with my hands behind my back. We talked for a bit before the door opened again. This time, an average height male walked into the room. He had orange hair with a yellow streak in it, and a black beanie. He wore a black jacket with yellow stripe patterns on either sleeve and small yellow buttons, with big, baggy, black cargo pants and boots. "ANOTHER BURGLAR!" Me and Rikku both yelled, hiding behind the table again. The guy just looked at us with a face that said 'I'm sorry what-?' He stuck his hands around infront of him. "Nah, I'm not a burglar, I'm fairly certain that I'm supposed to be here." He said. "S-sorry, we got a little carried away!" Rikku said, awkwardly rubbing his hand on the back of his head. The male walked up to us, me and Rikku both standing up from behind the table. "You're names are Rikku and Artemis, correct?" He asked. "H-how do you know our names-?!" I said, startled. "Uh, they were on the sign at the door-" "Oh yeah..." I said, dragging out the 'yeah' as Rikku giggled at me.

There was a minute of awkward silence. "So now what?" I asked. "How about...maybe formal introductions?" Shino suggested. "Yeah yeah! I go first!" Rikku said before clearing his throat, "My names Rikku, and I really like more feminine clothing, and anime, and uhhhhh, oh yeah! You see this eye patch? That's my golden eye! I got it from my damon lord, and my mom wanted me to say a message to my noble friends when I made them." Shino and I listened to what he had to say, genuinely interested. "Mom says, 'Hello Rikku's new friends! I hope you take good care of my son, and any friend of his is a friend of mine. Also the whole demon eye thing, it's all made up, Rikku likes to roleplay. His quirk is actually explosion.' H-hey, MOM!!" Rikku yelled. I giggled and Shino was trying his best to stifle his laughter. Rikku huffed, crossing his arms, "D-dont judge me!" "Don't worry Rikku, I think you're cool with or without a golden eye!" I said, making Rikku smile, Shino nodding in agreement. "Alright, I guess I'll go next." Shino started. "My name is Shino, and my quirk is Hard light, basically I can use a light source and create things by absorbing the light from it, but I was told never to absorb directly from the sun." His quirk was very interesting to me, it was like the opposite of mine. 'Like yin and yang with you two huh?' Umbra said, teasing me. 'U-UMBRA!' I blushed, hoping no one noticed. "W-well my turn then, my name is Artemis! My quirk is Shadow, and I can basically manipulate shadows, and create them, and go into them if I want to, for like travel and such." I said, deciding not to bring up Umbra and his counterpart, Soren. Soren isnt really a talker, he's more shy and introverted, and kind, where as Umbra is confident, but very...I guess we'll just use the word jerk. He's not the best person to exist and has used my body to kill before. But anyways, I looked at Rikku and Shino to see their reactions. "That's cool! You guys like, counter each other! It was meant to be." Rikku said, smirking slightly at the end. Both me and Shino slightly blushed, but Rikku didn't notice, and I don't think Shino noticed me blushing either.

"Well, do you guys wanna come see my room?" Rikku asked. We had been chatting for a bit and decided to do room tours. "Sure." Me and Shino replied. We followed Rikku down the stairs to his room. I realized that I had already seen their rooms since I peeked at them earlier...oops? "This is my room!" Rikku posed in the center of the room, showing it off. Shino gave a nod of approval. "It's nice, I like it." He said. We walked out and over to Shino's room. "This is my room." "It's very bland. And boring." Rikku said. "I like it!" I said, stepping in and looking at the big poster on his wall. "Thanks Artemis." Shino said. "Your rooms next." He reminded me. "Oh yeah- I forgot." I led them up the two sets of stairs and up to my room, opening the door to see...


Also sorry about the small break, it helped alot and I wont be here all next week so I'm getting a new chapter out for all my books to keep you entertained, CYA 😎

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