Chapter 3

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I panicked, Umbra and Sorren were playing a game of cards in the middle of the room! Then my dummy brain remembered, I'm the only one that can see them. I mentally slapped myself for being THAT dumb, and continued on with showing Shino and Rikku my room. "So this is my room! Kinda boring, I know but it's fine." I said, turning and facing them. "Wheres your bed-?" Shino asked. "Oh, this is my bed." I said stepping over to my sleeping bag. Rikku shook his head, and Shino looked at me with what I was assuming was sympathy. "You know the school will give you furniture, right?" He said. I froze, only now remembering that. "Oh yeah- well I-i just didn't want to make a hassle for them and, I'm fine with what I have now!" I forced, trying not to seem like a total idiot. Umbra and Sorren were watching from afar. Umbra was laughing, and Sorren looked sad, or apathetic maybe? You can never tell with him. "Well anyways, why don't we get ready to go to class? It starts soon." Shino said, breaking the silence. I snapped out of my little staring trance and nodded with a hum, Rikku and Shino smiling and waving before leaving my room and shutting the door. I let out a sigh of relief. "You guys gave me a LITERAL heart attack walking in this room!" I exclaimed, turning to face the two opposites in the room. "Now that was funny, kinda pathetic honestly~" Umbra smirked, laughing towards the end. "M-maybe be nicer Umbra-?" "Shut up Sorren." He snapped back, Sorren making a whimper noise. "Umbra be nice to him, you know how he is." I scolded. Umbra stuck his tongue out and Sorren covered his face, tears to fall from his sad glowing eyes. I snapped my head to Umbra and frowned, earning an eye roll from him. "Umbra apologize, now." He turned to Sorren. "I'm, sorry that I upset you. Now stop crying, it makes you look ugly." Umbra 'apologized' to Sorren, if you can even call that an apology. Sorren made a loud snuffle before whipping his tears away and forcing a small smile, getting a pat on the head from Umbra. I nodded, feeling like an accomplishment was made today. "Alright, I've got to get ready for school now, so, either mind or out. Your pick." I said, refusing to allow them, namely Umbra, to see me changing. Sorren immediately left to the mindscape and Umbra rolled his eyes, before soon following Sorren. I walked over to the box of the clothing I had, and pulled out a pair of black pants, taking off the ones I was wearing and sliding into the new pair. I reached for a school uniform before realizing I didn't have one. "I-I, don't have a uniform...crap." I said, throwing on a pair of shoes and bolting down the stairs, through the front door. Shino and Rikku had already left to get their papers and find their classes.

I ran up to the door to the principals office, painting from exhaustion. I knocked on the door, "Hello? Mr.Kowalski?" "Come in." He replied. I opened the door, peeking in before walking in entirely and closing the door behind me. I looked around the room, not seeing where the principle was. "Mr.Kowalski-?" "Down here kid." I heard a voice say. I followed what it said and looked down to see...a talking penguin...what-? "Ah! Sorry sir, but I was wondering if you maybe had a spare uniform? I don't have one." I asked, rubbing the back of my head. "Ah, yes, your the orphaned student, the one that got recommended, correct?" He replied, hopping up onto the desk top. "Yeah, I am." He made a hum, looking to the computer screen at something. "You may have one, but we don't have any of the newer ones at the moment, are you alright with using one of the older versions?" Mr.kowalski asked, turning his attention back to me. "Of course! Oh, and would I be allowed to design parts of it maybe? Like spice it up with some new additions-?" I asked, wanting to add my own bit of flare to the school uniform. "So your a designer, huh? Well I don't see a problem with it. The closet is down the hall on the right." The principal replied, stepping outside the door and (quite litteraly) pointing me in the right direction. "Thank you Mr.Kowalski! I appreciate it!" I said, running off down the hall to get to the closet.

Getting back to the dorm building, I rushed up to my room and laid the uniform down on the floor to start designing. I swapped the tie out for a white and black striped collar-tie, and added a gold trim around the edge of the red fabric. The uniform I was allowed use of is much duller than the other ones but I still like it! "What do you think, Sorren?" I said, holding the outfit up to my chest and turning to face the shorter, black haired version of myself. "I-It looks good! I-I don't know if the c-class will like it t-though...w-what if they don't-?" Sorren thought aloud, tears forming at his eyes. "I'm sure they're going to love it!" I said, placing my hands on his shoulders. He gave me a kind smile before grabbing me my backpack and returning to our shared mind space. "Time for my first day at school!" I said, running out the door back to the academy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2022 ⏰

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