Chapter 2: Honeysuckle

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It had been about 3 weeks since Spark joined The Runaways. He had easily started getting the hang of it. When one day Mouse called an emergency meeting. He stood before everyone in the meeting room "Listen up! Cause this is important." Everyone fell completely silent if they weren't already. "At the edge of the forest near the bridge, the police are planning on making a station there. If this happens we may have to move bases. Which doesn't sound that bad until you remember the raid in 2 months and a week! We can NOT move bases tonight. So we need to figure out a way to scare em off BUT not get seen nor kill anyone! Understood? We'll be putting you into teams. Me with Bear, Shadow with Petal and Raindrop and Birch with Spark! That's all!" Mouse clapped twice to signal the end of the meeting. Spark followed Birch and Raindrop out to the front to figure out a plan. Birch smiled "I say we set some traps! Maybe a fox trap that'll wrap around their neck! A single death for several lives will totally be worth it!" "Yeah but Mouse said to try and not kill anyone! I'm sure we can figure something else out! Maybe... We could lure a bear with some fish and get it to scare them away!" "And how do we do that without being seen, Hun?" Spark perked up "Birch... Say that last word again...?" "Hun...?" Spark smiled at them "I got an idea! It's stupid and crazy but aye! So are we!"

The police force was scanning the area of the soon-to-be station. They were also having help from a child who was serving community service named Buster. A black and white cat with one blue eye and one green eye with a scar across his nose bridge. Buster spoke up "Is having a police station so far from the city a good idea?" A random officer hissed "Shush mutt! Just go grab the map from the car." Buster flicked his tail as he walked over. Meanwhile Spark looked over at Birch "Ready?" "Yep." Spark smiled as looked over at Raindrop who was in a tree. "Now!" Raindrop nodded and poured some honey on the floor causing a bear to leave it's cave. As it walked forward Raindrop started making a trail of honey. Which led the bear to a fox trap right by the camp. As it got close enough the wire wrapped around it's neck. It let out a sickening roar causing the officers to look up "What was that!? I thought this forest had no wildlife!" "Should we leave?" When suddenly the bear tugged the metal pike out of the ground. Spark looked over at Birch "Uh-Oh..." The bear rampaged through the police officers. Luckily missing all of them as the officers ran away screaming. Buster looked closer at them to see the wire around their neck. The officers drove away leaving Buster there with the bear. Spark yelled "KID! RUN!" Buster grabbed his pocket knife and ran up to the bear. It was blinding attacking everything around it, not hitting Buster luckily. Before finally Buster cut the wire around it's neck. The bear collapsed to the ground before standing up and running away. Buster sighed as Spark ran up to him "That was amazing! Who are you?" "Buster..." Birch called out "Spark! We aren't supposed to let them see us!" Buster flicked his tail "Why not...?" "Oh i uh... You're not a cop are you?" Buster chuckled "Hah! Ew! Of course not! I was serving community service..." Spark tilted his head "Why...?" "Well... Me and my grannie got into a argument and she tried to hit me... So I defended myself." Spark looked over at a scar on Busters him. Than at Birch for a second "Follow me." Spark led Buster to The Runaways base. Birch and Raindrop following from behind. Spark called out "Mouse! We found a new recruit!" Mouse perked up "Aye!?" He ran to the top of the staircase. "Er... Welcome to The Runaways base!" Buster stepped forward "This place is... Amazing!" Mouse smiled "I know. So than. You wish to join us?" "I mean... I have no where else to go I guess... And everyone probably thinks that bear killed me so... Yeah sure!" As Mouse was talking to Buster Shadow walked up to Spark. It spoke in a hushed voice "You have got to be more careful." "What...?" "What if they were a spy? Or some other government member." "Do they look dangerous to you...!?" "If you wanted to trick someone into letting you into their home would you appear dangerous?" Spark paused. They had a point. "Sorry..." "Luckily for you I can tell fake from real. I think this mutt is trustworthy. But never invite anyone in here again." Just as Shadow finished Spark heard Mouse speak "Than from this day onward, Buster, your name gifted to you from The Runaways will be... Honeysuckle!" Everyone cheered out. Including Spark. Mouse cleared their throat "Now. I assign Shadow as your teacher. May they teach you well. Now. Spark, Raindrop and Birch. Can we chat?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2022 ⏰

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